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How We Got Away With It

  Unrated HD Closed Captioning

Jon Lindstrom

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Plot Summary

In this taut and gripping thriller, Henry (McCaleb Burnett, Immigration Tango) is released from jail only to discover a shocking tragedy and rashly plots revenge just before the arrival of his friends for their annual reunion. Forced to withhold his plan from his friends and his lover (Cassandra Freeman, Blue Caprice) while being dogged by a local cop (Jon Lindstrom) he sets in motion a chain of secrets, betrayal and murder that will change the course of everyone's lives, sweep up the innocent and threaten to destroy them all.

Customer Reviews

How We Got Away With It

This is not your typical formulaic Hollywood crime film. How We Got Away With It takes you back to a style reminiscent of Hitchcock - where less is more. Where with just the right directorial prompting your mind leads you to a dark place of secrets, coverups and revenge. The writers and director never have to resort to the use "cinematic tricks" to shock or create false suspense. It all plays out as seductively and naturally as the tide at the lakeside home where the film takes place. You are drawn in, taken hold of, then slowly returned to shore - and just when you think you have your bearings, the tide draws you back out again. The film is unsettling and asks you to accept that some crimes are not only worth committing - but necessary. After watching I guarantee you will want to watch again...and again

French New Wave Influenced Film Far Surpasses Commercial Works

This film might not be for those who are looking to "tune out," but it IS a beautifully filmed work of art, filled with with cinematic references resonant to those who have studied film. The performances are vivid, realistic, and poignant, especially that of Jacob H Knoll, who plays "Ronnie," a recovering drug addict. I felt like I was putting together a puzzle as I watched the film, as in a good mystery. I think the references to "Hitchcock" as in other reviews, is alluding to the dark quality of the film and the slow tension that Lindstrom builds, as the characters slowly reveal that all is not what it seems to be. This is NOT a formulaic story, but forces the viewer to think about what they are watching and come to their own conclusion as to whether the people in question really did "get away with" anything, or if they will live with the consequences of their actions for the rest of their lives. A poignant and compelling film for the thinking person, it will stay with you for some time to come.

More than just a thriller

Very beautifully shot film with strong acting performances. How We Got Away With It is more than just a thriller. It certainly delivers on the "who done it?” aspects of that genre but delves into the “why?” more than most thrillers. It was these lightly touched on aspects that really helped to separate it from all the other indie thriller fare. All around a very enjoyable and interesting film and very much worth a watch.

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How We Got Away With It
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  • $12.99
  • Genre: Thriller
  • Released: 2014

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