Plot Summary
Hoping to escape their small town existence, Esper (Matt Farnsworth) and Donna (Diane Foster) plunge into a dangerous world dealing crystal meth. After getting hooked on their product, the two lovers end up on the run from a corrupt parole officer (Michael T. Weiss), Esper's gold-digging mother (Rosanna Arquette) and their own consuming addiction. Trapped in a snare of money, lust and addiction...who's left to trust?
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
15%- Reviews Counted: 13
- Fresh: 2
- Rotten: 11
- Average Rating: 3.9/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Rotten: Matt Farnsworth's low-budget cautionary tale takes a 'drugs are evil' premise and pushes it to the extreme.
Rotten: Farnsworth's frenetic, often hysterical first feature tries desperately to find a style, or styles, to call its own, but there's never a moment that doesn't feel as if it's been chewed up and spit out a dozen times before.
Rotten: A mish-mash of familiar cinematic would-be jolts and shocks that don't convince for a more than a moment or two.
Rotten: A sour vanity project: trash posing as a socially relevant 'cautionary tale.'
Customer Reviews
Inspiring Stereotypes
Apparently Iowans are viewed as meth addicts....whose main means of transportation are El Camino's......and everything in the supermarkets is on sale for 88 cents shown by a poster written in crayon. I WISH....except for the meth part. Terrible movie.
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