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Larry the Cable Guy: Tailgate Party

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Larry the Cable Guy

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Plot Summary

In the last decade Larry The Cable Guy has covered thousands of miles and performed before millions of people but nothing can compare to the Husker homecoming he received for the taping of Tailgate Party on July 4, 2009. Live on stage before 52,000 of Nebraska's finest fans at memorial Stadium in Lincoln, Larry The Cable Guy delivers the performance of a lifetime to what may arguably be the largest stand-up comedy audience ever assembled in North America. And though the scope and scale of the event may be enormous, Larry still finds a way to make that intimate and personal connection with his fans who came from far and wide to be part of this very special event.


Customer Reviews

if your countryy, you'll love this :)

Lovin his new material in this! Git r Done babyy.

Best movie

This movie is awesome

Larry the Cable Guy: Tailgate Party
View In iTunes
  • $12.99
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Released: 2014

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