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Lost Boys: The Thirst

  R HD Closed Captioning

Dario Piana

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Plot Summary

A bloodsucking fiend is ready to party down vampire style and take over the world. All he has to do is slip ravers a new designer drug that will turn them into a rave-on army of global-dominating vein-drainers. But not if vampire hunter Edgar (Corey Feldman) has anything to say - and do! - about it. Joined by a cute comics clerk and a muscle-bound (especially between the ears) reality TV star, Edgar and brother Alan (Jamison Newlander) man up for a new hellaciously hemo-splattering showdown. It's the third Lost Boys movie. Quench The Thirst!

Customer Reviews

Was far better than expected

I was truly worried sitting down to watch this because of The Tribe. But after seeing it, I highly recommend. This is what the second movie should have been. I can't say I was a huge fan of the slight "twist" at the end or the product placement (again at the end) but the story was actually well done and it was great to see Jamison Newlander again. If you followed the comic books "Reign of Frogs" this movie tries to follow that storyline better. Of course, this movie will never be equal to the original, but for a sequel filmed 20+ years later, it was awesome. Overall, I am very pleased, and when it comes to vampire movies, I am typically very hard to please.

Great Movie!!

This is a much better movie then people who haven't seen it make it out to be. Yes, I know Halm would have made this movie a lot better, but don't discount this movie without seeing it. I rented it first then i purchased it, Feldman was spectacular. This is a much better follow up flick to the original. R.I.P. Corey Halm.

Great movie

The lost boys are back!!!!!!

Lost Boys: The Thirst
View In iTunes
  • $17.99
  • Genre: Horror
  • Released: 2010

Customer Ratings

Available Bundle

  1. Lost Boys Collection, Warner Bros.