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Plot Summary
Think of a ukulele and you probably imagine grass skirts, slide guitar and kitschy lyrics, but far from being just a Hawaiian novelty instrument, the uke has a rich history and has profoundly affected music around the world. Born in Hawaii in the 1880's, the ukulele was so easy to play that by the 20's it was the most popular instrument in the American home. But then the rise of the rock and roll guitar pushed the uke into nerdy obscurity. UNTIL NOW! In the Internet age, the instrument is making a comeback, and a new generation is rediscovering a unique musical voice. MIGHTY UKE travels the world to chronicle the amazing comeback of a musical underdog.
Customer Reviews
I saw this video just yesterday with a bunch of my uke buddies... it was amazing! It covers the history of the ukulele from its beginnings in Hawaii, its Golden Age in the early 1900s, its subsequent decline and more recent renaissance. Interviews with all the major stars in the ukulele world are included, along with plenty of musical examples of why the ukulele should be taken seriously as an instrument and not be considered a novelty item or joke. If any of your friends mock your ukulele love, show them this video... next thing you know they'll be buying their own uke and joining you at your next jam!
Not one to miss!
I just happened on this documentary when it aired on cable TV about a year ago. I'd been trying to learn acoustic guitar for about 7 years with minimal success, and never considered the ukulele. I was very familiar with Jake Shimabukuro's viral video but I was curious how anyone could find enough material to make an entire documentary on the ukulele so I watched it. Afterwards I turned to my wife and said "Those people were experiencing the happiness and joy I've been unable to get from the guitar!". My wife observed "Maybe you should switch?" 6 months after switching I felt good enough to find the courage to perform in front of people for the first time since elementary school (over 50 years ago)…in front of my co-workers in our annual Employee Talent Show…and had as much fun as everyone in The Mighty Uke. I challenge anyone who has any musical yearning whatsoever to watch this movie and not want to be a part of the fun, positive experience.
Uke till you puke
Tiny Tim is the best out there