Mister Foe
Closed CaptioningDavid Mackenzie
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Plot Summary
Hallam Foe's talent for spying on people reveals his darkest fears - and his most peculiar desires. Driven to expose the true cause of his mother's death, he instead finds himself searching the rooftops of the city of Edinburgh for love. Adapted from the 2002 novel by Peter Jinks.
Customer Reviews
Rather trite though, isn't it?
Essentially this is a bildungsroman in which the boy in question has voyeurism as his quirk du scene. I couldn't believe his father would be so dense, or that the climax could possibly be that violent and not have any repercussions. (Want to watch it yet?) In between is a nice little love story with lots of shots of Sophia Myles having film sex. (Want to watch it yet?) However, it is a fine little in-depth solo study for Jamie Bell, an excellent talent, who also happens to have a (funny and poignant) nude scene. (Now you want to watch it?) Despite all the sex and nudity, it is very much a "young-adult" kind of story, so keep that in mind.
I flat out love this movie. :)
This movie is amazing for the following reasons: -David MacKenzie makes this movie feel so real and directs it with effortless flow -Jamie Bell is the best/hottest thing since slice bread and makes this movie his own. -Supporting Players are great as well. -The soundtrack is amazing, fits the movie perfectly and you should get it. So yeah, check this movie out. You won't be disappointed, if you haven't seen it. :)
Be aware, the lighthearted film you're offered in the trailer is not the same as the Oedipal shlock that this film actually is. There is nary anything lighthearted about this film.
It is just a dreadful, dreadful film. At no point were any of the actions of the characters remotely believable. As the film goes on, you can see the filmmakers grasping for something to say, and failing.
An exercise in style without the slightest bit of substance.
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