My Name is Bill W.
Closed CaptioningDaniel Petrie
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Plot Summary
Based on the true story of Bill W., James Woods - in an Emmy award-winning performance - plays the successful stock broker whose life falls apart after the stock crash of the 1920's. As a result Bill W. and his loving wife Lois (JoBeth Williams) must come to grips with his depression and downward spiraling alcoholism. In Bill's quest for recovery, he forms a support group with fellow alcoholic, Dr. Bob (James Garner), which eventually leads to the formation of Alcoholics Anonymous. In this inspiring portrayal, My Name is Bill W. movingly depicts the trials, trauma and triumph of people and loved ones coping and recovering from substance abuse.
Customer Reviews
A heartwarming (though at times difficult-to-watch) portrayal of Bill’s descent into alcoholic ruin and subsequent recovery into a healthy life. A story of redemption like Bill’s, and how God used him (a hopeless alcoholic) to start a group that has gone on to benefit millions, is powerful and should give hope to all those today who struggle with this terrible disease.
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- Genre: Special Interest
- Released: 1989
- © 1989 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.