Plot Summary
An all-star cast including Melissa Joan Hart (Sabrina: The Teenage Witch), John Terry (TV’s Lost, 24) and James C. Victor (TV's 24) triggers top-notch suspense in this gruesome tale of a masked gunman on the prowl. With hoods over their heads, nine handcuffed strangers are about to learn their kidnapper’s game. They must work together to answer one question: Why have they been targeted? One of them will die every 10 minutes unless they can strip away each other’s secrets to solve this dangerous, twisted puzzle that could leave Nine Dead.
Customer Reviews
Never figured that would happen!!
Spent the entire movie so wrapped up trying to figure it out. Great overall suspense film. Awesome work by the entire cast and director.
worst $4 ever spent
After watching I just had to make my first review. This is by far the worst movie I have ever seen, it completely failed at being a Saw ripoff. The acting was terrible, the plot was horribly slow moving and couldnt have taken more than an hour to come up with, and the ending just summed up the entire movie, horrendous.
This movie is really scary and awesome.
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