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Plot Summary
For too many women, pregnancy is a death sentence. One thousand women die each day from complications during pregnancy or childbirth. Shockingly, nearly all maternal deaths and disabilities can be prevented. In her gripping directorial debut, Christy Turlington Burns shares the powerful stories of at-risk pregnant women in four parts of the world, including a remote Maasai tribe in Tanzania, a slum of Bangladesh, a post-abortion care ward in Guatemala, and a prenatal clinic in the United States.
Customer Reviews
A missed opportunity
Boring, disjointed, and lacks a connection to any of it's subjects. I went in wanting to appreciate the message of this movie but came away feeling that I'd wasted the hour it took to sit through it. The focus seemed to be more on the model/director than on her subjects and has the feel of an amateurishly filmed Save the Children infomercial without the heartstring tugging. Both the subjects she selected and her lack of skill in creating a connection between the subject and the viewer doesn't allow the viewer to empathize with the film's subjects on anything other than a superficial "oh, that's a shame" level. It certainly doesn't compel one into action. The most interesting subjects in the film are the health care workers but, again, for some odd reason the director never allows them to shine. The message is a good one it's just too bad that it was so poorly delivered in this film. It was definitely a missed opportunity. Don't waste your money.
Great primer for those new to global maternal health issues
As a nurse-midwifery student, I'm pretty well-versed in many of the issues this hour-long documentary covers This is a good introduction, however, to a few of the main challenges facing pregnant and birthing women around the world. Although the filmmakers discuss how inadequate or lack of health insurance in the US affects women's health care, they barely scratch the surface of how abysmal the care in the US is. They do make note of how low we rank compared to other developed and even developing countries when it comes to maternal health outcomes but don't really go into why. I suppose they mainly wanted to focus on other countries besides the US. But they do a beautiful job explaining how the loss of one mother reverberates through a family, the community and consequently the world. Mother's rights are human rights.
Everyone should see this
Incredibly informative. It's scary the realities many women still face
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