Plot Summary
This masterful thriller from Carol Reed stars James Mason as a Northern Irish revolutionary forced into hiding amid the back alleys of Belfast after a desperate hold-up falls apart. Crackling with tension, Odd Man Out showcases the stunning set-pieces, shadowy cinematography, and troubled post-war affect for which Reed’s films are renowned.
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
100%- Reviews Counted: 24
- Fresh: 24
- Rotten: 0
- Average Rating: 8.1/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Fresh: Odd Man Out is a picture to see, to absorb in the darkness of the theatre and then go home and talk about.
Fresh: Carol Reed has made his film with deliberation and care, and has achieved splendid teamwork from every member of the cast. Occasionally too intent on pointing his moral and adorning his tale, he has missed little in its telling.
Fresh: This may be Reed's most pretentious film, but it also happens to be one of his very best, beautifully capturing the poetry of a city at night.
Fresh: The movie has a vaunted place in the context of British cinema, and deservedly. Today, what Odd Man Out most suggests is a desperate endgame, the potentials of a long life snuffed out in a moment of impulsiveness.
Customer Reviews
James Mason is awesome in this one. Truly a great movie.
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