Orwell Rolls in His Grave
Robert Kane Pappas
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Plot Summary
Meticulously tracing the process by which media has distorted and often dismissed actual news events, this film presents a riveting and eloquent mix of media professionals and leading intellectual voices on the media. Among Pappas’ subjects in Orwell Rolls In His Grave are Charles Lewis, director of the Center for Public Integrity, Robert McChesney, media historian and author, Vincent Bugliosi, former L.A. prosecutor and legal scholar, film director Michael Moore, Rep. Bernie Sanders, Danny Schechter, former producer for ABC and CNN, and Tony Benn, formerly of the British Parliament.
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
79%- Reviews Counted: 24
- Fresh: 19
- Rotten: 5
- Average Rating: 6.8/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Rotten: Attacking network news seems almost quaintly beside the point at a time when the networks are hemorrhaging viewers, losing more and more eyeballs to cable, the Internet and, apparently, our nation's new habit of staring blankly into space.
Fresh: A marvel of passionate succinctness, Robert Kane Pappas' docu critically examines the Fourth Estate, once the bastion of American democracy.
Fresh: Enlightening, at times disturbing, and always provocative.
Fresh: For some, Pappas' film will simply confirm everything they've suspected of the fourth estate. For others, it will be a reiteration of points they make themselves. Those who've never thought about these issues may be in for the shock of their lives.
Customer Reviews
Don't waste your money.
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