Plot Summary
This genre-blurring, minimalist masterpiece from Ingmar Bergman follows a young nurse (Bibi Andersson) and her patient (Liv Ullmann), an actress who has mysteriously gone mute. The women retreat to a seaside cottage to aid the actress's rehabilitation, but the intimacy of their emotions and motivations embroil them in a stranger, stronger bond. A classic of world cinema, Persona has long been considered one of the major works of 20th century art.
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
93%- Reviews Counted: 41
- Fresh: 38
- Rotten: 3
- Average Rating: 9.0/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Fresh: Miss Ullmann and Miss Andersson just about carry the film -- and exquisitely, too.
Fresh: Director Ingmar Bergman is modern cinema's most persistent observer of the human condition.
Fresh: Bergman has come up with probably one of his most masterful films technically and in conception, but also one of his most difficult ones.
Fresh: [A] masterpiece.
Customer Reviews
Bergman Goes Deep
I’m sad to say this one missed the mark for me. It has some shocking still frames and scenes thrown in to jar your brain that I found displeasing and the acting just seemed too dramatic. I felt it drew me in deep but left me empty. I can understand why it’s considered a work of art, but it is one that didn’t move me.
Landmark in Film
This film is a landmark in Cinema history. Go into this with a Tabula-Rasa mindset. It skirts the boundaries of what may be done through the medium of filmmaking and does not disappoint the analytical viewer. Mr. Bergman's masterpiece. A must-see for anyone who believes that film and art sometimes conspire to illuminate simple and complex truths behind the influences of others on our own perceptions.
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