Plot Summary
Primordial nature runs amuck in this expertly-played slice of neo-Ozploitation from Australian director Josh Reed. The film follows six friends on a field trip who set up camp in the remote wilderness of Australia. When one person takes a late-night skinny dip in a nearby waterhole, she becomes incredibly feverish and agitated, and soon regresses to a crazed predatory state in which her companions suddenly become the hunted. When another begins the same beastly transition, terror descends on the remainder as they realize it’s now kill or be killed. A frenzied visceral nightmare in the vein of CABIN FEVER, PRIMAL is a hugely enjoyable rollercoaster ride through primitive panic.
Customer Reviews
Is this the right movie? 2010 or 2003?
iTunes shows the Release Date for this movie as 2003, but IMBD shows it's release date as 2010 (actually 2011 in many countries). Anyone know what's going on - is this the right movie, as described above? There are several movies called Primal, so maybe some confusion somewhere?
Fun and gory
Really fun and worthwhile Aussie horror - and yes it was released in 2010, not 2003 as it's listed for some reason. It was at Fantastic Fest in Austin last September
Saw it on tv a couple days ago. Good not great. Pretty scary. Kinda pointless though if you ask me
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