Plot Summary
Katarina is 20 years old. With a troubled past in a dreary suburb, her life seems to be already set in stone - until she discovers music. Everything changes when she hears a performance of Mozart's Requiem at the Gothenburg Concert Hall that sends her reeling and opens up a beautiful new world. She feels that she has to change her life and get as far away from her ugly reality as possible. But the path she has to follow proves a treacherous one, filled with lies, betrayal and a dangerous liaison with the married conductor Adam. Yet Katarina is ready to do anything to gain her new identity.
Customer Reviews
Compelling and Hypnotic
4.5 stars and Pure is descriptive of the two talents. The star, Alicia Vikander has a dynamic range from sweet to psychotic, young and tender, to manic and obsessed. She is a young Lena Olin, a face that changes by the scene, and grabs your heart and mind and tortures your empathy.
The director and creator of this work displays a solid technique that anything less could have ruined the work many crucial moments. It comes out at the end, perfectly tuned. Excellent filmmaking.
Music and philosophy are the leitmotivs, soothing the troubled heart and mind of the lead character. All about her life is chaos she gives in to.
Her desire for a good, pure life drives her to excesses, but she has an open heart and mind to great emotional music and profound thought from great minds. It is reality that steers her wrong, the adult world that tricks her.
But there is a way, rationalized, perhaps, but a way to a pure life. It only takes courage, and she gives her all to that path.
This is a good tale, a terrific performance, a quality film and 4.5 stars makes it better than good entertainment. Strong cinema that makes you feel and think.
Worth watching..
Older successful man , young beautiful hard body girl looking to find her way in life. I can relate to both sides of this story.
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