Plot Summary
In this eerie and chilling, contemporary, action/special effects laden homage to the classic Chinese vampire movies of the 1980’s, writer-director-producer, Juno Mak makes his feature directorial debut. Co-produced by J-Horror icon Takashi Shimizu, and reuniting some of the original cast members of the classic Mr. Vampire series, RIGOR MORTIS is set in a creepy and moody Hong Kong public housing tower whose occupants we soon discover, run the gamut from the living to the dead, to the undead, along with ghosts, vampires and zombies.
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
58%- Reviews Counted: 12
- Fresh: 7
- Rotten: 5
- Average Rating: 6.1/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Fresh: [A] relentlessly creepy film ...
Rotten: Multihyphenate Juno Mak makes his directing debut with this tedious tribute to Hong Kong's 'hopping vampires' subgenre.
Rotten: Director Juno Mak might have pulled off this potpourri if it weren't for a cop-out ending.
Fresh: With visuals this gruesome and flashy, who needs seamless storytelling?
Customer Reviews
One of the most visually stunning films I have ever seen
I have to say, I absolutely love visually stunning films. Films that really consider atmosphere, mood, and balance to create a specific flow. This is one of those movies. It is a beauty to watch, and the events flow seamlessly, with the visually fidelity never letting up. It is one of those movies that you just enjoy watching because it is beautifully crafted, although the story is very well written. It has all the makings of a classic. Highly recommended.
Something Different...
Personally, I don’t really like action horror. So I was a little skeptic going into Rigor Mortis. Surprisingly, this is one of the better action horror movies I’ve ever seen. It’s not great, but it blends action and horror near perfectly. It’s not like the Resident Evil movies how they focus more on action than scares. Not too much makes sense at the beginning but as the movie progresses, things start to make a little more sense. The end kinda threw me off and I still don’t know what to think about it. But Rigor Mortis is still worth a watch, especially if you’re in the mood for something a little different.
Not my cup o’ tea
I rented this movie, hoping that the negative reviews on it were probably a little exaggerated, but alas…I was disappointed. The bad reviews are right. The movie was not as horrifying as I thought it would be. What made this movie so bad is that it had potential to be a really great story, but for some reason, the story did not have a good foundation. Coupled with the horrible storyline, the graphics were not as great either.
Trust me when I say that this movie is just NOT worth watching or hoping it will be anything but sucky.
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