Plot Summary
"Romero" is a compelling and deeply moving look at the life of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, who made the ultimate sacrifice in a passionate stand against social injustice and oppression in his country. This film chronicles the transformation of Romero from an apolitical, complacent priest to a committed leader of the Salvadoran people. Acclaimed actor Raul Julia (Kiss of the Spider Woman) stars as this man of God forced by the unspeakable events going on around him to take a stand -- a stand that ultimately leads to his assassination in 1980 at the hands of the military junta. This film features powerful performances by Richard Jordan (Interiors, The Secret of My Success) and Ana Alicia. Australian writer-director John Duigan (The Year My Voice Broke) makes his directorial debut with "Romero."
Customer Reviews
A Martyr in the Very Best Sense of the Word
Great movie about a real man who stood up for what he knew was truly right. This movie was actually originally released in 1989.
This has to be one of my favorite movies.
There are a few movies I watch over and over to become inspired when down. This is one. The story is redemptive as well as sacrifical. Romero was a great man and this movie treats him as a human and as a saint. Raul Juila is incredible in this movie. This was a great movie by which to remember this actor.
Thought provoking
Romero is a movie that is a must see. Its main theme is how the elite in El Salvador trample on the poor and Father Romero's stand against that oppression.
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