Plot Summary
Starring Betsy Brandt of Breaking Bad and the Michael J. Fox Show, this dark comedy of petty office politics in a library, it's the head librarian versus the fresh-out-of-rehab book shelver in an all-out, deadly war of the wills. This film proves that everyone has an expiration date. May the best woman win this war of catfights, false accusations and competing story-time circles.
Customer Reviews
Check THIS Out!
Get it? Library pun. This fun and feisty flick takes you back to the days before Kindle, when books were the latest rage ;) It has heart (Ronald) and soul (Nikki) and is a sweet and funny indie film. If you haven't seen it, you are way overdue.
Rebel girl protagonist tale.
I love Breaking Bad so I had to watch this. Betsy Brandt is great in it and should be doing more comedies like this.
Smart Indie Film
Haunting and brilliantly acted and directed with a smart eye for detail.
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