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Plot Summary
Stranger Things is the story of an unexpected encounter which leads to a surprising friendship between a vulnerable young woman and a streetwise homeless man. It is set in a remote village on the south coast of England - a place where the usual suspicion and indifference of modern life exist, but where quiet and isolation allow them to have less of a hold.
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
83%- Reviews Counted: 6
- Fresh: 5
- Rotten: 1
- Average Rating: 8.5/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Fresh: This delicate debut feature amasses a wealth of quiet images that speak volumes.
Fresh: One of the assets of "Stranger Things" is its air of mystery, and the actors give the indelible impression that they have much locked away inside.
Fresh: A quietly elegant chamber piece that, at 77 minutes, is careful not to wear out its welcome.