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Third Star

  NR Closed Captioning

Hattie Dalton

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Plot Summary

A touching and comical adventure dealing with friendship, heroism and love.

Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews


  • Reviews Counted: 16
  • Fresh: 7
  • Rotten: 9
  • Average Rating: 5.2/10

Top Critics' Reviews

Fresh: As road trips go, this one travels far and travels well. – Tom Long, Detroit News, Jun 24, 2011

Rotten: Underneath Third Star's classy cladding, which camouflages its maudlin streak and conventional melodramatic underpinnings, there lies a TV movie first and last. – Kate Stables, Sight and Sound, Jun 24, 2011

Fresh: Rather familiar and predictable, though not dislikable. – Philip French, Guardian, May 23, 2011

Rotten: Cumberbatch always seems to act as though he already has the letters OBE after his name. – Antonia Quirke, Financial Times, May 18, 2011

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Customer Reviews

Beautiful, endearing, lasting

Third Star is a favorite--and only gets better with each re-watching. It's is kind of film that curls up in your subconscious and stays there. The gorgeously filmed landscape of Wales will forever make "Barafundle Bay" seem like a magical incantation. Bring your tissues--but revel in the incredibly endearing friendship of James, Miles, Bill and Davy.

Laughter and tears

For a film focusing on such a heart-breakingly sad situation, there were more light-hearted, humorous and upbeat moments than I ever expected. I laughed out loud at several points, and a cameo from another great British actor was both unexpected and welcome! I felt the characters were strong and well-rounded and I loved the fact that there were moments when James was not as likable as you wanted him to be. His anger at his situation was shown to great effect through cruel or arrogant outbursts to his friends. Despite this, many of his observations rang true and don't we always hurt the ones we love? The ending (no spoilers here, though) was both poignant and felt completely right for the story and the characters. Third Star is one of the truest renderings of male friendship that I think I've ever seen, which is a credit to the amazing script and the incredible talent of its four principal actors.

Why seems like a normal movie about cancer blows you away

All four boys have stunning performances. Benedict is more than outstanding as James, the main character who is fighting to enjoy his last trip to his favourite spot at the bay. Raw emotion, comic relief, and odd insights that make you smile and/or cry. This movie is not for the faint of heart, but I would recommend it to everyone!

Third Star
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  • $5.99
  • Genre: Drama
  • Released: 2012

Customer Ratings