Plot Summary
Mary Horton, a lonely middle-aged American career woman, hires a handsome, mildly retarded young handyman named Tim. At first keeping her distance, Mary is drawn closer to Tim as time passes. When Tim's mother dies, Mary becomes his surrogate mother, a relationship that deepens into romantic love. Tim's older sister resents Mary's "intrusion" into their lives, but his Ron blesses the relationship, realizing that it is beneficial to both parties.
Customer Reviews
i liked it
meant to rent it & was ticked when i realized i actually bought it. paying attention to purchasing that day was a total failure lol. but it really is a sweet story and a good laugh seein mel in those super tight super short shorts. i do wish i could unpurchase it, but im glad i did watch it.
Great for it's time period, but look at Mel Gibson, this movie should get more attention.
Tim is a must see and have Mel Gibson movie!
This is the top Mel Gibson movie I have ever seen. I can count on one hand the best movies he has made. I bet it won't even come up to 5 movies. Where did he go wrong in his life? I have enjoyed this movie in the rental arena for several years and decided to go ahead and buy a copy. If you haven't seen this movie, then you must make this early career starting movie a must. It's a great love story.
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