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Plot Summary
In 1986 Michael Morton’s wife Christine is brutally murdered in front of their only child, and Michael is convicted of the crime. Locked away in Texas prisons for a quarter century, estranged from his son, he has years to ponder questions of justice and innocence, truth and fate. Though he is virtually invisible to society, the Innocence Project and Michael’s pro bono attorney spend years fighting for the right to test DNA evidence found at the murder scene. Their discoveries ultimately reveal that the price of a wrongful conviction goes well beyond one man’s loss of freedom.
Customer Reviews
No words...must see...eye opening
"...Too much power, not enough accountability..."
We must all bear witness. This film underplays the courage and nobility of this man, unjustly imprisoned. Also modestly portrayed is the dedication, the heroic work, being done by the men and women of The Innocence Project. Their candle not flickering, it burns bright. Words are not wasted on chastising those who participated, who orchestrated, this miscarriage of justice. Jurors talk freely about disregarding the law, describe how they decided on a "guilty" verdict. Friends and family who should have been loyal are not condemned in the film. For this would be redundant, as they reveal themselves in varying degrees, from self-serving to dim. It is hard not to turn away as they speak, they, well, are repugnant.
This viewer does not have the hard-won loving character of many depicted in this documentary. I admire them.
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