Wake Up Call: 2012: We're Already in It
Patty Greer
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Plot Summary
Offering a rich medley of interpretations of the Mayan Prophecies, blended with ancient wisdom and scientific probabilities, well known experts and druids share their predictions and perceptions about 2012. This positive and illuminating movie leaves you with a sense of hope and inspiration about our Ascension into 2012 - and well beyond. Bringing to light the mysteries of our shifting realities, they highlight many aspects of ET life; communications from other worlds, the Crop Circle phenomena, and other intriguing questions we have finally begun to ask. Addressing signs of potential upcoming challenges for our planet, they refer to a New Paradigm of higher consciousness for all, mental telepathy, and ultimately world peace. Beautifully crafted and filmed in the UK Crop Circles and ancient stone formations of Southern England by award winning film maker Patty Greer. The film is visually stunning and deeply thought provoking. You are offered an illuminating array of information about the 2012 story; Mayan Prophecies, polar shifts, solar flares, changes in the electromagnetic field, messages being delivered through the Crop Circles, UFO visitations, financial collapse, tsunamis, earthquakes, and ultimately spiritual evolution for our precious planet. This movie won the 2009 EBE Award for Best Feature Film-UFO Or Related at the International UFO Congress Convention, and the Silver Sierra Award in Yosemite. Selling out in England in 2010, it has received rave reviews worldwide! Enjoy endless photo archives of Crop Circles, Orbs and UFOs - all in one movie!
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