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Kim Kindersley

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Plot Summary

Whaledreamers - the title alone evokes hypnotic visions of these most magnificent and ancient creatures. This visually stunning film offers an incredible glimpse into a rarely seen and scarcely understood tribal culture whose entire story of creation revolves around whales and has endured for centuries. The film passionately explores the connection between the subtle elegance of these "mothers of the sea" and ancient civilizations around the world whose culture and very existence is based on whales. Intertwining incredible underwater footage with ancient legend, Whaledreamers examines the complex past and the possibly dire future of human civilization. Told with moving optimism and spiritual strength, it is a clarion call encouraging humanity's reconnection to the profound beauty of the natural world and is an appeal to embrace all living beings thereby creating the unity and peace which the Earth itself can bring.

Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews


  • Reviews Counted: 6
  • Fresh: 3
  • Rotten: 3
  • Average Rating: 6.2/10

Top Critics' Reviews

Fresh: There's maybe an excess of hugging in the film, but that doesn't really detract from what are some quite amazing and moving moments. – Margaret Pomeranz, At the Movies (Australia), Jun 24, 2010

Rotten: The September 11 segment is one of the clumsiest works of montage you're likely to see. – Jim Schembri, The Age (Australia), Jun 24, 2010

Fresh: Made with the passion of the committed and the sincerity of the believer, Whaledreamers is both an ecological and a spiritual film, urging us to consider the upside of harmony and the downside of ignorance – Andrew L. Urban, Urban Cinefile, Jun 24, 2010

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Customer Reviews

a much needed wakeup call

Governments, corporate monsters destroy our land but not our spirit.They (the controllers) deliberately destroy our culture and sacred sites they fed us a false history to keep us ignorant of who and what we really are.They use fear to control us but it is they who fear us, we are awakening.This film is a calling from our bretheren of the sea. in mans sovereign state he not only walks with source he/she is source.Sovereignty is an expression of the infinitness of creation, it is the unfolding of spiritual freedom through the empowerment of love.

Beautiful yet honest...

Must see for us all to remember to offer our prayers to the whales. Prayers also to the people that are are so wounded that they need to take People's land away that has been used for hundreds if not thousands of years to do sacred ceremony. Jullian Lennon, John Lennon's son did this movie, and is supporting indigenous peoples so that they can do their much needed sacred cermonies...

A must see

Beautiful and thought provoking