Plot Summary
In this acclaimed adaptation of the first novel by legendary Southern writer Flannery O’Connor, John Huston vividly brings to life her poetic world of American eccentricity. Brad Dourif, in an impassioned performance, is Hazel Motes, who, fresh out of the army, attempts to open the first Church Without Christ in the small town of Taulkinham. Populated with inspired performances that seem to spring right from O’Connor’s pages, Huston’s Wise Blood is an incisive portrait of spirituality and Evangelicalism, and a faithful, loving evocation of a writer’s vision.
Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
89%- Reviews Counted: 19
- Fresh: 17
- Rotten: 2
- Average Rating: 7.3/10
Top Critics' Reviews
Fresh: One of John Huston's most original, most stunning movies.
Fresh: This time, Huston has found material that was all but guaranteed to fuel the battiest recesses of his imagination.
Fresh: John Huston, with uncluttered direction and expert handling of actors, has fashioned a disturbing tale of the fringe side of overzealous religious preachers in the deep South.
Fresh: Along with The Man Who Would Be King and The Dead, this is arguably John Huston's best literary adaptation, and conceivably his very best film.
Customer Reviews
"Where you come from is gone
...Where you thought you was goin' to weren't never there; and where you are aint no good unless you can get away from it"-- Motes
This book (O'connor) and film are spectacular. Nobody with a good car needs to be justified.
Wise Blood
Shake hands with Conga!! Great, great stuff.
Worst movie
This is a terribly depressing movie. It's next to impossible to become involved with the story -- if there's one. Criterion thinks too much of itself. Criterion's choices of movies leave a lot to be desired. Furthermore, Criterion insists in not caring for the hearing impaired because no Criterion movie has ever been realized with Closed Captioning.