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Wrong Side of the Bus


Rod Freedman

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Plot Summary

What’s the price of being a bystander? Sidney Bloch is an internationally recognized professor of psychiatry, ethicist, loving father, singer and author of books on mental health. He is also a man with a troubled conscience. Sid is returning to South Africa for his medical school reunion, determined to resolve the guilt that has troubled him for forty years. He’s accompanied by his teenage son, Aaron who turns out to be his harshest critic. In the Apartheid era, Sid had benefited as a ‘White’, contributed negligibly to the struggle against racism and then left for Israel the day after his medical graduation in 1964. A sense of guilt and shame accompanied him throughout his later move to Australia. Growing up in Apartheid South Africa, Sid abhorred the system but did almost nothing to oppose it. So how does a man who lost fourteen relatives in the Holocaust become complicit with a racist system? The film explores how easy it is to accept injustice and compromise one’s morals. Though it’s easy for any good person to become a bystander, it’s not so easy to live with the consequences. WRONG SIDE OF THE BUS is the story of a journey to forgiveness.

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Wrong Side of the Bus
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  • $4.99
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Released: 2011

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