Mars Needs Moms (2011)



Critic Consensus: The cast is solid and it's visually well-crafted, but Mars Needs Moms suffers from a lack of imagination and heart.

Movie Info

Take out the trash, eat your broccoli-who needs moms, anyway? Nine-year-old Milo (Seth Green) finds out just how much he needs his mom (Joan Cusack) when she's nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her mom-ness for their own young. Produced by the team behind Disney's A Christmas Carol and The Polar Express, Mars Needs Moms showcases Milo's quest to save his mom-a wild adventure in 3D that involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien … More

Rating: PG (for sci-fi action and peril)
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Comedy
Directed By:
Written By: Berkeley Breathed, Simon Wells, Wendy Wells
In Theaters:
On DVD: Aug 9, 2011
Box Office: $21.4M
Walt Disney Pictures - Official Site


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Critic Reviews for Mars Needs Moms

All Critics (111) | Top Critics (30)

Here is a movie that seems at war with the notion that animation can inspire or invigorate.

Full Review… | January 31, 2014

Mars Needs Moms actually entertained me. There's the bright colors and great 3D, but there's also some touching moments and grown-up wit

Full Review… | June 2, 2013
We Got This Covered

Mars Needs Moms isn't as bad as you've heard, nor is it as good as it could have been. Will it entertain your family? That depends on how much your kids like mo-cap technology, and how much attention they pay to the inner logic of a film.

Full Review… | December 29, 2011
Movie Metropolis

A solid, vibrant family film that parents and young-ish nippers can enjoy together.

Full Review… | December 22, 2011
SFX Magazine

a disposable family adventure it more than fits the bill

Full Review… | September 1, 2011
The National

As with a good live-action movie, it all begins with the script, and this one is solid-well thought-out, briskly paced, funny and sweet. In the end, it's the finished film that matters, not the process...

Full Review… | August 12, 2011

Audience Reviews for Mars Needs Moms

Unfortunately, one of those mass produced computer animated affairs (it seems like there's a ton of 'em) that finds actual storytelling a bothersome detail. What remains is a work that looks and sounds as if it were made for the kiddies but in actuality was made specifically for the moms of those kiddies, a little bit of encouragement for simply being moms (which, as I understand it, is a thankless job, or so I've heard), if not for only listening to toddler conversation for weeks at a time. If that was the case, why not actually write something for those moms with some meat in it instead of only breast milk?

Kevin M. Williams

Super Reviewer

wow. the film features an interesting concept, and then does whatever possible to muck it up. a total train wreck. one of the worst kids movies i have ever had the displeasure to sit through.

danny d

Super Reviewer


Oh dear. This was an incredibly lifeless effort. Mocap shows that it has a long way to go to capture humanity. This seems like the Mocap film least in need of being in the form. It's a story of a boy that is your usual asshat kid. Then his mom is captured by aliens and he realises how much he loves her. The film is mostly dull, with very repetitive landscapes used. Foggler has some great chances for emotional connection as a stranded kid, but he messes it up by just being a very poor imitation of Jack Black. And even Jack Black can't be Jack Black anymore. Seth Green was screwed over by having his voice completely replaced. I'm sure this is false advertising as the trailers had his voice. The film also fails to slow down, with constant chasing and shouting. In the end the main reason this film fails is because of its confusing messages. If you listen to your mom she'll be taken away by aliens. Women shouldn't work and should look after kids. Families should comprise of 1 mom and 1 dad in order to be successful. It's hard to know what the film is saying, because it just isn't articulate enough.

Luke Baldock

Super Reviewer

Mars Needs Moms Quotes

– Submitted by Chris P (4 years ago)
– Submitted by Chris P (4 years ago)
– Submitted by rob g (4 years ago)

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