Chapter 3 -- SASM
hiding the details of Pentium asm. lang. (on purpose!)
SASM code will look more like HLL code -- to make student's transition
Introducing one more level of abstraction in order to postpone
discussion of several topics.
HLL SASM assembly machine code
each HLL statement maps into 1 or MORE SASM instructions
each SASM instruction maps into 1 or MORE Pentium instructions
SASM -- the language
A subset of the functionality of most high level languages --
no records/structures
no formal arrays
no procedures/functions
What is required by a programming language?
arithmetic operations
conditional execution (if then else)
looping control structures
communication w/user. . .(write statement)
About SASM:
-- one instruction, declaration per line
-- comments are anything on a line following `;'
(comments may not span lines)
-- given the Intel architecture and its history, there are an enormous
number of RESERVED WORDS. Consult APPENDIX A always!
- they give information about how much memory space is needed
- they assign a name to the memory space
SASM has 3 basic types: integer, float (real), character
can build other types out of these,
for example, boolean is really an integer with only 2 defined values.
var variablename: type;
C or C++:
type variablename;
variablename type value
type is dd if integer
db if character
dd if floating point
value is required -- it gives the variable an initial value
-- to explicitly leave value undefined, use
the '?' character
bool_flag dd 0
counter dd 0
variable3 dd ?
constant_e dd 2.71828
uservalue db ?
letter_a db 'a'
string1 db 'This is a string.', 0
; null terminated string example, VERY USEFUL!
string2 db 'Another string', 0ah, 0
; that 0ah is the newline character, AND this string is
; null terminated.
-- one declaration per line.
a way to give information to the assembler.
- some directives start with `.' (period)
dd # tells the assember to allocate 32 bits
db # tells the assember to allocate 8 bits
.data # identifies the start of the declaration section
# there can be more than 1 .data section in
# a program
.code # identifies where instructions are
# there can be more than 1 .code section in
# a program
.stack # You get this set of memory, called a stack.
# Don't worry about it for now, just use it.
.model # Gives the assembler information about how to
# place stuff in memory, and how to call stuff
# outside the program (like library calls)
ARITHMETIC instructions
SASM Pascal C or C++ NOTES
move x, y x := y; x = y; x and y are ints or floats
moveb x, y x := y; x = y; x and y are chars
movezx x, y NO EQUIV NO EQUIV x is int, y is char (SIZE)
movesx x, y x := y; x = y; x is int, y is char (SIZE)
ineg x x := -x; x = -x;
iadd x, y x := x + y; x = x + y; integer addition
isub x, y x := x - y; x = x - y; integer subtraction
imult x, y x := x * y; x = x * y; integer multiplication
idivi x, y x := x div y; x = x / y; integer division (quotient)
irem x, y x := x mod y; x = x % y; integer division (remainder)
fpadd x, y x := x + y; x = x + y; floating point addition
fpsub x, y x := x - y; x = x - y; floating point subtraction
fpmul x, y x := x * y; x = x * y; floating point multiplication
fpdiv x, y x := x / y; x = x / y; floating point division
NOTES: 2. cannot increase the number of operands.
3. y can be an IMMEDIATE for all except the floating point
move count, 0
imult product, multiplier
iadd sum, 1
NOTE: there are other instructions that implement boolean functions,
but we don't cover them yet.
The move instructions must be carefully chosen to match the type
of the data being moved. The operation and difference between
movezx and movesx will be covered after we talk about representations.
sometimes an instruction (or a set of instructions) should
be executed, and sometimes it (they) shouldn't.
HLL -- simplest form is a go-to. (Always discouraged.)
Pascal if-then-else (a conditional go-to!)
if (condition) then
C if-then-else
if (condition)
SASM 'ifs' and 'gotos'
(a better name is CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS)
SASM effect of instruction
br label goto label;
blz label if SF=1 then goto label;
bgz label if SF=0 and ZF=0 then goto label;
blez label if SF=1 or ZF=1 then goto label;
bgez label if SF=0 or ZF=1 then goto label;
bez label if ZF=1 then goto label;
bnz label if ZF=0 then goto label;
compare x, y result of x-y sets condition codes
compareb x, y result of x-y sets condition codes
This is different than many other modern machines. There are
two CONDITION CODES that we must think about.
condition code contents
zero flag (ZF) ZF=1 if result is 0
sign flag (SF) SF=1 if result is negative
SF=0 if result is zero or positive
These condition codes get changed (set) according to the result of certain
instructions (iadd, isub, ineg, and some logical instructions).
The condition codes are used by the control instructions.
To explicitly set the condition codes, use a compare instruction.
Pascal if-then-else:
if (count < 0) then
count := count + 1;
C equivalent:
if (count < 0)
count = count + 1;
SASM equiv to if-then-else:
compare count, 0
blz ifstuff
br end_if
ifstuff: iadd count, 1
end_if: # next program instruction goes here
-- OR --
compare count, 0
bgez end_if
iadd count, 1
end_if: # next program instruction goes here
NOTE: Be careful not to use RESERVED WORDS for your variable names
or label names.
(some reserved words: end endif if else elseif for while repeat)
Structured loops can be built out of IF's and GOTO's
(test and branch)
while loop example
while ( count > 0 ) do
a := a mod count;
count := count - 1;
while: if (count <= 0) then goto endwhile;
a := a mod count;
count := count - 1;
goto while;
C or C++:
while (count > 0) {
a = a % count;
count --;
compare count, 0
blez end_while
irem a, count
isub count, 1
br while_loop
end_while: # next program instruction goes here
while loop example (compound conditional)
while (count < limit) and (c = d) do
/* loop's code goes here */
C or C++:
while ( (count < limit) && (c==d) )
/* loop's code goes here */
compare count, limit
bgez end_while
compare c, d
bnz end_while
# loop's code goes here
br while_loop
for loop example
for i:= 3 to 8 do
a := a + i;
for ( i = 3; i <= 8; i++)
a = a + i;
move i, 3
compare i, 8
bgz end_for
iadd a, i
iadd i, 1
br for_loop
SASM effect of instruction
get_ch x read character from input, place into x
put_ch x send character in x to output
put_i x send integer in x to output
put_fp x send floating point value in x to output
put_str x send (NULL TERMINATED) string at x to output
SASM doesn't have any oddities about
testing for eoln or eof. The newline character (0ah, or '\n' in C)
is just another character to be read or written.
NOTE: There are times when you will want to 'get' something that
isn't a character (like an integer or floating point value input
by user). In SASM, you can't, since the instruction doesn't exist.
At the end of Chapter 5, you will know enough about data representation
to be able to read an integer (or floating point value) character
by character and translate it to an integer.
It is done this way because input from a keyboard are only characters.
Output to a simple display (which we are assuming) are only characters.
The C library (that we utilize) gives easy implementation of
output for other types, so you get that benefit in this language.
; this is a code FRAGMENT, not a whole program
msg1 db 'The integer is ', 0
int1 dd 285
newline db 0ah
msg2 db 'The second string.', 0ah, 0
put_str msg1
put_i int1
put_ch newline
put_str msg2
The integer is 285
The second string.