Computer Sciences Dept.

CS/ECE 252 Introduction to Computer Engineering

Spring 2013 Section 1 & 2
Instructors Mark D. Hill and Guri Sohi
TAs Preeti Agarwal, Mona Jalal, Rebecca Lam, Pradip Vallathol

URLs: and

Homework 1 [Due at lecture on Wed, Jan 30]

Primary contact for this homework: Pradip Vallathol [pradip16 at cs dot wisc dot edu]

You must do this homework alone. Please staple multiple pages together.

Problem 1 (3 points)

  1. What is the web address of the course home page for your section? (i.e. http://...)
  2. How many Midterm exams do you have for this course? What are the dates on which they are held? In what room and building are your exams?
  3. Do you have a conflict with any of the exams? If so, have you informed your professor about the conflict?
  4. Do you have a final exam for this course?

Problem 2 (3 points)

(This question has no wrong answers.)

  1. What is your expected major(s)?
  2. Have you taken any other Computer Science courses? If yes, please list them.
  3. What do you hope to learn from this course?

Problem 3 (3 points)

If your friend tells you to, "Go to the library", is it an abstraction? If so, explain why it is useful for your friend by breaking it down into a few of its component parts.

Problem 4 (2 points)

What difficulty with analog computers encourages computer designers to use digital designs?

Problem 5 (2 points)

  1. Name one characteristic of natural languages that prevents them from being used as programming languages.
  2. Write a statement in natural language and offer two different interpretations of that statement.

Problem 6 (3 points)

List 3 things specified by an Instruction Set Architecture (ISA).

Problem 7 (4 points)

  1. What is the major advantage of writing a program in a high level language as opposed to writing it in a low level language?
  2. What is the difference between an assembler and a compiler?
  3. How many ISAs are normally implemented by a single microarchitecture?
  4. Conversely, how many microarchitectures could exist for a single ISA?

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