The Distributed V Kernel and its Performance for Diskless Workstations

David R. Cheriton, Willy Zwaenepoel @ Stanford

ACM 1983

1. Introduction

V kernel

message oriented kernel

provides uniform local and network interprocess communication

Thoth model adopted

This paper challenges the controversial on:

Distributed file system with diskless workstations

The use of general purpose interprocess communication facility

The use of Thoth-like interprocess communication model

The use of synchronous request-response model (RPC model) of message-passing and data transfer instead of streaming protocol

2. V Kernel Interprocess Communication

IPC between processes in V kernel - RPC like communication

Client: send a message

Server: receive the message

Server: optional data transfer using MoveFrom

Server: process the request from the client

Server: optional data transfer using MoveTo

Receiver: send reply

All messages are 32 bytes long

V kernel directly copies data from sender's address space to receiver's address space

No copies between user space to/from kernel space!

Compare this to LRPC

2.1 Primitives

Send(message, pid)

pid(32-bit): pid of receiver process

message(32-byte): flag + access right + ... + segment addr + segment length

flag: whether the segment is given in this message or not

access right: access right to the segment

segment: a part of address space of sender which sender wants receiver to access

sender blocks until reply message is returned

reply message overwrites the original message area

receiver may read from or write to the segment given in the message: see MoveTo, MoveFrom, and ReplyWithSegment

pid = Receive(message)

blocks calling process until a message is received

pid = pid of sender

(pid, nbytes) = ReceiveWithSegment(msg, buf, len)

same as Receive

copy: buf[0 ~ len] <- msg's segment, if a segment is in msg

nbytes = actual number of bytes copied

This primitive is introduced to reduce the number of messages

Reply(message, pid)

message: reply message

non-blocking operation

ReplyWithSegment(message, pid, destptr, segptr, segsize)

send message to pid

copy: destptr <- segptr[0 ~ segsize]

destptr: original sender's address space

MoveFrom(srcpid, dest, src, count)

copy: dest <- src[0 ~ count]

src: address space of srcpid

dest: address space of calling process

srcpid must have given read access for src to this process using 'Send'

MoveTo(destpid, dest, src, count)

copy: dest <- src[0 ~ count]

src: address space of calling process

dest: address space of destpid

destpid must have given write access for dest to this process using 'Send'

SetPid(logicalid, pid, scope)

associate pid with logicalid in the scope

logicalid: for example, 'fileserver', 'nameserver', etc.

scope: local, remote, or both

pid = GetPid(logicalid, scope)

return pid which is associated with the given logicalid in the scope

2.2 Discussion about Design and Motivation of V Kernel Interprocess Comm Model


Synchronous request-response model makes programming easy due to its similarity to procedure call

Distinction between small message (send, receive, reply, ...) and a separate data transfer (moveto, movefrom, ...) is good

Synchronous communication (stop-and-wait), small fixed message: make buffering easy -> leads small kernel

Direct copy between user spaces: no extra copies between user & kernel space


Message is even smaller than the min packet of Ethernet -> leads padding -> inefficient use of bandwidth

Stop-and-wait: reduce parallelism

Separate data transfer command -> increase the number of operations going: send(msg) -> moveto -> reply

Reason why ReceiveWithSegment & ReplyWithSegment are introduced

3. Implementation Issues

General measures taken to achieve efficiency

Remote operations are implemented directly in the kernel: no context switch to network process

Compare the following:

Application call a function which requires remote execution

Kernel relays the remote request to network software


Lots of context switch

Raw Ethernet packets are used instead of IP-packet: similar hacking as RPC

Stop-and-wait as reliable service: also similar to RPC connectionless reliable protocol

pid: host id + process id

Data transfer (MoveTo, MoveFrom): no packet-level ack, message-level ack = single ack per MoveTo or MoveFrom

ReceiveWithSegment & ReplyWithSegment are introduced to reduce packet numbers

3.1 Process Naming

32-bit pid: 16-bit host-id + 16-bit process id: unique within the context of local network

host-id in 3Mb Ethernet: 8 bit network address + host id

host-id in 10Mb Ethernet: mapping table from logicalid to network address


look up local mapping table

if not mapping found, broadcast a message asking network address for the logicalid

3.2 Remote Message Implementation

Send(message, pid) -> check if pid is for local process -> if fails, call NonLocalSend

=> send a packet to the receiving pid or boadcast it, if network address of the pid is unknown

-> receiving host creates an 'alien' process descriptor -> saves the message into the buffer of the 'alien'

-> virtual interaction between 'alien' process and the actual receiving process

-> receiver process replies: reply message sent to the sender + cached in 'alien' space

-> timeout, retransmission, and RPC-probe-like message are handled between 'alien' and sender

3.3 Remote Data Transfer

Single ack per moveto or movefrom => indifinitely large packet size -> requires very reliable network

Error -> retransmission of all packets

Measure has been taken to cope with back-to-back failure at the same packet

Direct copy between network interface and source or destination process address space: need to use programmed I/O

3.4 Remote Segment Access

In distributed file system, lots of page read/write are going on. In Throth model, a single page write is composed of:

send -> receive -> movefrom = page transfer -> reply

ReceiveWithSegment: receive a packet which consists of the message and the very first part of the segment

Hence, if the packet is big enough to contain the message and a page,

page write reduces to Send -> ReceiveWithSegement -> Reply

page read: Send -> Receive -> ReplyWithSegment

=> Original send should be changed

4. Network Penalty: Reasonable Lower-Bound of Communication


V Kernel Remote Vs ideal local call

V Kernel Remote Vs other remote method

Network Penalty = Minimum time delay which is introduced by using network

Time to send n bytes from the main memory of one machine to that of another machine via idle and error-free network

5. Kernel Performance

5.1 Measurement Methods

5.2 Kernel Measurements

5.3 Interpreting the Measurements

5.4 Multi-Process Traffic

6. File Access Using the V Kernel

6.1 Page-level File Access: Random Page Access

6.2 Sequential File Access

6.3 Program Loading

7. File Server Issues

8. Measurements with the 10Mb Ethernet



Direct data copy between sender and receiver

Separation of short message and bulk data transfer


No flow control: network congestion especially at the server side will aggravate the problem

Lots of hacking similar to RPC

Only works within local network