Send(message, pid)
pid(32-bit): pid of receiver process |
message(32-byte): flag + access right +
... + segment addr + segment length
flag: whether the segment is given
in this message or not |
access right: access right to the
segment |
segment: a part of address space
of sender which sender wants receiver to access |
sender blocks until reply message is
returned |
reply message overwrites the original
message area |
receiver may read from or write to the
segment given in the message: see MoveTo, MoveFrom, and
ReplyWithSegment |
pid = Receive(message)
blocks calling process until a message
is received |
pid = pid of sender |
(pid, nbytes) =
buf, len)
same as Receive |
copy: buf[0 ~ len] <- msg's segment,
if a segment is in msg |
nbytes = actual number of bytes copied |
This primitive is
introduced to reduce the number of messages |
Reply(message, pid)
message: reply message |
non-blocking operation |
ReplyWithSegment(message, pid, destptr, segptr,
send message to pid |
copy: destptr <- segptr[0 ~ segsize]
destptr: original sender's address
space |
MoveFrom(srcpid, dest, src, count)
copy: dest <- src[0 ~ count]
src: address space of srcpid |
dest: address space of calling
process |
srcpid must have given read access
for src to this process using 'Send' |
MoveTo(destpid, dest, src, count)
copy: dest <- src[0 ~ count]
src: address space of calling
process |
dest: address space of destpid |
destpid must have given write
access for dest to this process using 'Send' |
SetPid(logicalid, pid, scope)
associate pid with logicalid in the
scope |
logicalid: for example, 'fileserver', 'nameserver',
etc. |
scope: local, remote, or both |
pid = GetPid(logicalid, scope)
return pid which is associated with the
given logicalid in the scope |