Extensibility, Safety and Performance in the SPIN Operating System

B. N Bershad @ Washington Univ

Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, 1996

The Problem

How to make OS extensible to the needs of applications

How to deal with the three-way tension between extensibility, safety, and performance



Remember the Mach's pager: application specific page-fault manager?


IPC is expensive

Coarse grained extension

Micro-kernel approach

Not easy to protect Kernel from malicious or faulty extension

Few abstractions exported by the kernel makes extension difficult

Dynamic binding (like DLL) or Upcall (like scheduler activation)

Not much flexible

SPIN solution - event driven

Make the kernel work in event-driven

Then allow applications to register event handers which could be new one or could augment or replace the existing handler

Make the kernel and extension run in the same virtual address space by dynamic linking

No context switch. Fast

Extension in the granularity of function calls becomes possible


SPIN and extension are written in Modula-3, a strong typed and OO language

So no extension can touch private members of SPIN or other extensions!

SPIN Architecture


Descendant of Mesa

Object oriented language

Separation of interface and implementation

Protections: members which are exported at the interface are only accessible

Strong type checking at compile time and runtime - including array index boundary checking

Automatic storage management

The Extension Model

The ways extension can be used

Extension monitors system activities and reports to application upon request

Extension offers hints to system

Extension may entirely replace or augment an existing system service

Extension Model

System services are done by the event handling

Extension = installation of new handler to events

Dispatcher routes events to appropriate handlers


An event is just a signature of a procedure

Event definition = declaration of a procedure and exporting it

Raising an event = calling the function

Dynamically link against the definition of the event, if necessary, and call the procedure

Callee(s) are dynamically determined by dispatcher

A raising can be resulted in invoking multiple handlers

Handling the event = executing the procedure linked to the specific call


Handler registration is done through:

Dispatcher.InstallHandler ( event-name, guard, handler )

Handling an event = executing the handler procedure with the argument passed by raiser

Guard to extension

Default handler

primary handler

the function with the same signature

Installation of new handler can be denied, allowed, or guarded by the default handler

Guard can be specified also by the handler

Guard is a predicate which is associated with the particular handler

the predicate is evaluated whenever the event arrives

only when the predicate is true, the handler is invoked

Multiple handlers with their own guards can be installed for an event

Default handler's control on handlers

Synchronous or asynchronous invoke of handlers

Handlers may be cancelled after timeout

Handlers can be invoked in an arbitrary order to enforce, say, their mutual dependency

Multiple handlers may be invoked to handle, in a cooperative way, a single event

For example pipeline of handlers

Example: Syscall

Built-in interface "TrapHandler"

exports "Syscall" event

Extension "MachEmul"

imports "Syscall" event with a guard

register "MachEmul.privSysCall" for a handler of "Syscall"

How is system call handled?

Application calls a system call -> trap occurs


does very basic things: change to kernel mode, save exec context

raises "Syscall" event

MachEmul.privSysCall gets called

The Protection Model


Unforgeable reference to objects

Compile time type checking for safe assignment and dereferencing

OO feature of Modula-3 provides fine-grained protection

Even though SPIN and extension run in the same address space, they cannot access private members

Externalized reference: reference passed from the kernel to application

Maintains per-application table and passes the index into the table rather than directly passing the pointer

Protection Domains

Protection domain defines the set of accessible names available to an execution context

In a conventional OS, a protection domain is implemented using virtual address

In SPIN, the naming and protection interface is at the level of language

If an extension modifies a type (= a class interface), a new protection domain should be created and somehow get resolved against modules which use this new definition


just another object

contains one or more safe object files. Safe object file:

Modular-3 compiled object, or

other type of binaries that SPIN takes it as safe

is used to control dynamic linking


Create: create a domain with given safe object files. Result is:

set of exported events which the creator can call

set of imported and yet unresolved events which the creator can resolve by writing her own handler or connecting to exported events of other domain

Resolve (src, target): resolve the imported interfaces of target domain against the exported interfaces of src domain

Combine (dom1, dom2): create a new domain which is the union of dom1 and dom2


Exporting interfaces: create a domain and exports it to the in-kernel name-server

Binding: RPC-like binding -- looks like to use the in-kernel name-server (DNS-like service) to coordinate importer to appropriate exporter

Authentication of importer

Exporter may register some authorization procedure to the name-server that will be called with the identity of importer whenever the interface is imported

Interaction between exporter, name-server, and importer is done using procedure calls

Access Control


Who can raise or handle events?

Which handler is allowed to handle a particular instance of an event?

Who is authorized to answer those questions?


The module which defines and exports the event

This module implements default (or intrinsic) handler, which enforces the policies concerning those questions

Who can raise an event? = Who can call the procedure? = Protection domain issue

When a module requests that it be dynamically linked against some other module, the module's authorizer is consulted and the linkage is permitted or denied

Who can handle an event or an instance of it? = Who can implement the procedure and overrides or augment the original one? = Protection domain issue, and

Handler registration is consulted to the authorizer of the event and denied, accepted, or guarded

Denial of Service

A handler which does not respond promptly can block the event raiser or other handlers

Expensive solution: asynchronous invocation of handler

Cheap solution: timeout mechanism

The Core Services

Extensible memory management

Three objects are provided so that extension can define its own virtual memory system using those objects

physical address

virtual address


Note pink procedures are events raised by these object, i.e, extensible

Physical address -- physical memory object

allocate (size, attribute)

attribute: color, continuity, etc

return: the capability of the allocated physical memory

deallocate (the capability of the physical memory)

reclaim (candidate capability)

request to reclaim a candidate page

extension may handle this event to nominate an alternative candidate

Virtual address

allocate (size, attribute)

return: the capability to the allocated virtual memory

I think this is semantically identical to segment creation

deallocate (the capability of the virtual memory)


create ()

return: new translation context is created and its capability is returned

destroy (context)

addMapping (context, capability of virtual, capability of physical, protection)

removeMapping (context, capability of virtual)

examineMapping (context, capability of virtual)

return: protection

pageNotPresent (capability of virtual)

remember pager of Mach?

badAddress (capability of virtual)

protectionFault (capability of virtual)

An extension which implements Unix address semantics

Interfaces: copy address space & allocate additional memory to an address space

new address space creation

create a context

allocate initial physical memories and virtual memories

bunch of addMappings

allocate additional memory to an address space

allocate a physical and virtual page


Extensible thread management

Previous approaches

User-level thread: lack of information on kernel status and mismatch occurs

Scheduler activation: high communication overhead

SPIN provides strand object and user scheduler or thread package can schedule these objects

Actual binding of strands to processors and synchronization of strands are done by kernel for safety reason. Reasonable! Then user scheduler or thread package gives hints to the kernel. Right?

Strand object

Block & unblock

For a moment I am running this strand

Not I want to run this strand

checkpoint & resume - upcalls in scheduler activation

The processor is being taken from the strand. So please checkpoint it

Now you can schedule the strand


Great idea! Safety is, however, questionalble