Towards the Design of Secure Systems

by A. K. Jones & W. A. Wulf @ CMU

Software-Practice and Experience(1975)

1. Security Policies

Security Policy: a finite set of rules which prohibits or grants the access to a type of objects

objects are partitioned into disjoint set of types

access is the way of manipulation of objects

rules in a policy should not conflict each other

The factors affecting policy design

the value of the object

goal of the computation using the object

cost of enforcing the policy

Dimensions of security policy

object: protect what

principal: protect from or grant to whom

site: object residing where

time: from when to when

2. Protection Mechanisms

Tools to implement policies

Required general properties

small enough -> feasible to prove its properties or correctness

fast enough

economical: linear to actual use

allow users to express a policy in a natural terms

extendable so that users can create a new type of objects and specify the policy for that type

3. Extended Capability Protection - HYDRA's Capability Model

Protection mechanism assumes a capability database to query to grant a process an access to an object

Capability database: the set of all capabilities at all execution sites

Capabilities for a process defines the execution environment

Extension of capability: classical capability (defined above) + capability-based-addressing

Every object references use capability

Capability can be passed around

In extended capability model,

passing capabilities can be controlled based on its contents

capability environment of a process can change across function calls and movement of capabilities within a system

4. HYDRA Protection Mechanism

HYDRA is OS for a machine with up to 16 C.mmp processors connected to one memory

The main facility of OS for multiple processors is the protection

HYDRA skeletal backbone is an implementation of protection in terms of extended capabilities

Object has:

a unique name of 64-bit

a type

representation: data part + a set of capabilities

capability = a reference to another object = object name + a set of access rights

auxiliary rights: type dependent rights defined by the type creator = access right to the data part

kernel rights: type independent rights defined by the protection mechanism = access right to the capability part

Type object: representative object of the entire objects of the type

Name Type
D1 Disk
D2 Disk
S1 Semaphore
S2 Semaphore
P1 Procedure
Semaphore TYPE
Procedure TYPE

Types: Built-in types or user defined types

Type creation: through the CREATE access to TYPE object

Execution environment

Execution environment is defined by an LNS (Local Name Space) object

LNS is an ordered list of capabilities

Each process has exactly one LNS object associated with it

Object is referenced by the path of indices rooted in the LNS. Fig-1

In the context of extended capability, protection mechanism should be defined in terms of

Access control enforcement

Capability transfer operations

Environment boundary crossing operations

Access control enforcement

Every reference to an object is through the capability for the object

Every reference to an object should be checked

Each machine instruction is checked whether the process's LNS has appropriate capability to execute the instruction

Each procedure call is checked whether the process's LNS has appropriate capability to call the procedure

Capability transfer (manipulation) operations

DELETE ( p = search path starting from LNS, r = set of rights )

if the process is permitted to walk through path p and

if KERNEL-DELETE is in rights(p), then

delete the rights in r from the capability p

MOVE ( p, c, q, d )

if the process is permitted to walk through path p and q, and

if KERNEL-LOAD is in rights(p) and KERNEL-STORE is in rights(q), and

if capability q does not have right d, then

move the right c of capability p to d of q


Slots of capability part of an object can be initialized by templates

Template is composed of:




If a slot is occupied by a template t, then capability c can be moved into the slot only when

type of c = type of t, and

rights of c includes checkrights of t

also amplify the rights of c by amplifyrights of t, if KERNEL-AMPLIFY is in rights of c

When and how is a capability moved from one object to another?

HYDRA guys regarded functions as objects ->

parameter passing between caller and callee

Amplification of capability is only taken during parameter passing from caller to callee

Environment(= LNS) boundary crossing operations

When a process need to work in a new environment, it does environment switch:

Save the current environment into the stack

Replace the current LNS with the value of the new environment

Destroy the current environment and restore the old one, when the process finishes working on the new environment

PROCEDURE type and new LNS building

PROCEDURE type object has:

static capabilities - required capabilities whenever the procedure is called regardless of caller's capabilities

templates, which will be replaced by capabilities which caller passes as arguments

CALL function:

creates an empty LNS

copies the static capabilities and templates into the LNS

MOVE & Amplify caller's capabilities according to the rules of templates

Note: Type and checkrights of procedure templates work as

formal parameters and/or

safe guard to ensure that the caller has the required capabilities to invoke the procedure

Template creation and specification of amplifyrights field should be controlled!

Only the creator of the type(= the type object) can create the template of the type

Creation of a new type

Create the type object

Define allowed access to object of the type

Write procedures: code + template definition

Five Security Policies Implemented: Shows how versatile the mechanism is


Any employee may generate memos

Any employee having a right to access a memo may give that right to any other employee: impossible in Unix

The author of a memo explicitly gives a memo to its recipients


TYPE: Memo




Arguments: capability of pages, initial values

Return: READ, UPDATE, ERASE capability of the newly created Memo object

static capability CREATE -> make any employee generate her memos

no template checkrights


write header and body to the pages passed

call protection system to create an object of Memo type

return capabilities of the newly created object


template checkrights = READ for the Memo object & WRITE for the pages to which content of the memo is copied


template checkrights = UPDATE


template checkrights = ERASE



Protection mechanism is fine-grained and general enough


The mechanism is overly complex. The principle of simple and clear design is ignored:

Creation of new type and its accompanying functions is extremely complex. Specifying the just necessary and sufficient checkrights and amplifyrights of templates is beyond the mentality of ordinary programmer

In Unix file system, there are only 3 accesses: read, write, execute. In HYDRA there can be zillions of accesses, almost all of which users have never heard about. And how does a user know which access she has on which object?

Capability axis is explained, but principal axis is not explained. uid & gid of Unix? or ACL of AFS?