Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #pragma once
00002 #include <string>
00003 #include <set>
00004 #include "Type.h"
00006 namespace BWAPI
00007 {
00008   class BulletType : public Type
00009   {
00010     public:
00011       BulletType();
00012       BulletType(int id);
00015       const std::string &getName() const;
00016       const char *c_str() const;
00017   };
00019   namespace BulletTypes
00020   {
00022     BulletType getBulletType(std::string name);
00025     const std::set<BulletType>& allBulletTypes();
00026     void init();
00027     extern const BulletType Melee;
00028     extern const BulletType Fusion_Cutter_Hit;
00029     extern const BulletType Gauss_Rifle_Hit;
00030     extern const BulletType C_10_Canister_Rifle_Hit;
00031     extern const BulletType Gemini_Missiles;
00032     extern const BulletType Fragmentation_Grenade;
00033     extern const BulletType Longbolt_Missile;
00034     extern const BulletType ATS_ATA_Laser_Battery;
00035     extern const BulletType Burst_Lasers;
00036     extern const BulletType Arclite_Shock_Cannon_Hit;
00037     extern const BulletType EMP_Missile;
00038     extern const BulletType Dual_Photon_Blasters_Hit;
00039     extern const BulletType Particle_Beam_Hit;
00040     extern const BulletType Anti_Matter_Missile;
00041     extern const BulletType Pulse_Cannon;
00042     extern const BulletType Psionic_Shockwave_Hit;
00043     extern const BulletType Psionic_Storm;
00044     extern const BulletType Yamato_Gun;
00045     extern const BulletType Phase_Disruptor;
00046     extern const BulletType STA_STS_Cannon_Overlay;
00047     extern const BulletType Sunken_Colony_Tentacle;
00048     extern const BulletType Acid_Spore;
00049     extern const BulletType Glave_Wurm;
00050     extern const BulletType Seeker_Spores;
00051     extern const BulletType Queen_Spell_Carrier;
00052     extern const BulletType Plague_Cloud;
00053     extern const BulletType Consume;
00054     extern const BulletType Ensnare;
00055     extern const BulletType Needle_Spine_Hit;
00056     extern const BulletType Invisible;
00057     extern const BulletType Optical_Flare_Grenade;
00058     extern const BulletType Halo_Rockets;
00059     extern const BulletType Subterranean_Spines;
00060     extern const BulletType Corrosive_Acid_Shot;
00061     extern const BulletType Neutron_Flare;
00062     extern const BulletType None;
00063     extern const BulletType Unknown;
00064   };
00065 }
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