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00001 #pragma once
00006 namespace BWAPIC
00007 {
00008   namespace CommandType
00009   {
00010     enum Enum
00011     {
00012       None,
00013       SetScreenPosition,
00014       PingMinimap,
00015       EnableFlag,
00016       Printf,
00017       SendText,
00018       ChangeRace,
00019       StartGame,
00020       PauseGame,
00021       ResumeGame,
00022       LeaveGame,
00023       RestartGame,
00024       SetLocalSpeed,
00025       SetLatCom,
00026       SetGui,
00027       SetFrameSkip,
00028       SetMap,
00029       SetAllies,
00030       SetVision,
00031       SetCommandOptimizerLevel,
00032       SetReplayVision,
00033       SetRevealAll
00034     };
00035   }
00036 }
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