Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #pragma once
00002 #include <windows.h>
00004 #include "offsets.h"
00006 #define CTRL_UPDATE           0x00000001
00007 #define CTRL_DISABLED         0x00000002
00008 #define CTRL_ACTIVE           0x00000004
00009 #define CTRL_VISIBLE          0x00000008
00010 #define CTRL_EVENTS           0x00000010
00011 // 0x00000020
00012 #define CTRL_BTN_CANCEL       0x00000040
00013 #define CTRL_BTN_NO_SOUND     0x00000080
00014 #define CTRL_BTN_VIRT_HOTKEY  0x00000100
00015 #define CTRL_BTN_HOTKEY       0x00000200
00016 #define CTRL_FONT_SMALLEST    0x00000400
00017 #define CTRL_FONT_LARGE       0x00000800
00018 //                              0x00001000 // button & option button uses this
00019 #define CTRL_TRANSPARENT      0x00002000
00020 #define CTRL_FONT_LARGEST     0x00004000
00021 // 0x00008000
00022 #define CTRL_FONT_SMALL       0x00010000
00023 #define CTRL_PLAIN            0x00020000
00024 #define CTRL_TRANSLUCENT      0x00040000
00025 #define CTRL_BTN_DEFAULT      0x00080000
00026 #define CTRL_TOP              0x00100000
00027 #define CTRL_HALIGN_LEFT      0x00200000
00028 #define CTRL_HALIGN_RIGHT     0x00400000
00029 #define CTRL_HALIGN_CENTER    0x00800000
00030 #define CTRL_VALIGN_TOP       0x01000000
00031 #define CTRL_VALIGN_MIDDLE    0x02000000
00032 #define CTRL_VALIGN_BOTTOM    0x04000000
00033 // 0x08000000
00034 #define CTRL_DLG_NOREDRAW     0x10000000
00035 #define CTRL_REVERSE          0x10000000
00036 #define CTRL_USELOCALGRAPHIC  0x20000000
00037 #define CTRL_DLG_ACTIVE       0x40000000
00038 #define CTRL_LBOX_NORECALC    0x80000000
00040 #define BW_EVN_KEYFIRST       0
00041 #define BW_EVN_KEYDOWN        0
00042 #define BW_EVN_KEYRPT         1
00043 #define BW_EVN_KEYREPEAT      1
00044 #define BW_EVN_KEYUP          2
00045 #define BW_EVN_MOUSEMOVE      3
00046 #define BW_EVN_MOUSEFIRST     3
00047 #define BW_EVN_LBUTTONDOWN    4
00048 #define BW_EVN_LBUTTONUP      5
00049 #define BW_EVN_LBUTTONDBLCLK  6
00050 #define BW_EVN_RBUTTONDOWN    7
00051 #define BW_EVN_RBUTTONUP      8
00052 #define BW_EVN_RBUTTONDBLCLK  9
00053 #define BW_EVN_MBUTTONDOWN    10
00054 #define BW_EVN_MBUTTONUP      11
00055 #define BW_EVN_MBUTTONDBLCLK  12
00056 #define BW_EVN_IDLE           13
00057 #define BW_EVN_USER           14
00058 #define BW_EVN_CHAR           15
00059 #define BW_EVN_SYSCHAR        16
00060 #define BW_EVN_WHEELUP        17
00061 #define BW_EVN_WHEELDWN       18
00063 #define BW_USER_CREATE        0
00064 #define BW_USER_DESTROY       1
00065 #define BW_USER_ACTIVATE      2
00066 #define BW_USER_HOTKEY        3
00067 #define BW_USER_MOUSEMOVE     4
00068 #define BW_USER_PREV          5
00069 #define BW_USER_NEXT          6
00070 #define BW_USER_UNK_7         7
00071 #define BW_USER_UNK_8         8
00072 #define BW_USER_MOUSEENTER    9
00073 #define BW_USER_INIT          10
00074 #define BW_USER_SELECT        11
00075 #define BW_USER_UNK_12        12
00076 #define BW_USER_SHOW          13
00077 #define BW_USER_HIDE          14
00078 #define BW_USER_SCROLLUP      15
00079 #define BW_USER_SCROLLDOWN    16
00081 namespace BW
00082 {
00083   namespace ctrls
00084   {
00085     enum Enum
00086     {
00087       cDLG                = 0,
00088       cDFLTBTN            = 1,
00089       cBUTTON             = 2,
00090       cOPTION             = 3,
00091       cCHKBOX             = 4,
00092       cIMAGE              = 5,
00093       cHSCROLL            = 6,
00094       cVSCROLL            = 7,
00095       cEDIT               = 8,
00096       cLSTATIC            = 9,
00097       cRSTATIC            = 10,
00098       cCSTATIC            = 11,
00099       cLIST               = 12,
00100       cCOMBO              = 13,
00101       cFLCBTN             = 14,
00102       max                 = cFLCBTN
00103     };
00104   };
00106   struct pt
00107   {
00108     WORD  x;
00109     WORD  y;
00110   };
00112   struct bitmap
00113   {
00114     u16 wid;
00115     u16 ht;
00116     u8  *data;
00117   };
00119   struct dlgEvent
00120   {
00121     DWORD dwUser;
00122     WORD  wSelection;
00123     WORD  wUnk_0x06;
00124     WORD  wVirtKey;
00125     WORD  wUnk_0x0A;
00126     WORD  wNo;
00127     pt    cursor;
00128     WORD  wUnk_0x12;
00129   };
00131   struct fntChr
00132   {
00133     BYTE w, h, x, y;
00134     BYTE data[1];
00135   };
00137   struct fntHead
00138   {
00139     DWORD   magic;
00140     BYTE    low, high, Xmax, Ymax;
00141     fntChr  *chrs[1];
00142   };
00144 #pragma pack(1)
00145   class dialog   // BIN Dialog
00146   {
00147   public:
00148     dialog(WORD ctrlType, short index, const char *text, WORD left, WORD top, WORD width, WORD height = 0, bool (__fastcall *pfInteract)(dialog*,dlgEvent*) = NULL);
00149     ~dialog();
00151     // global functions
00152     dialog  *findIndex(short wIndex); // Searches for a control that matches the specified index
00153     dialog  *findDialog(const char *pszName); // Searches for a dialog that matches the name specified
00154     dialog  *next();                  // Retrieves the next dialog or control in the list
00156     bool    setFlags(DWORD dwFlags);    // Sets a flag or set of flags for the control or dialog
00157     bool    clearFlags(DWORD dwFlags);  // Clears a flag or set of flags for the control or dialog
00158     bool    hasFlags(DWORD dwFlags);    // Returns true if the dialog or control has all of the specified flags enabled
00159     bool    setText(char *pszStr);      // Sets the text of a control, or name of a dialog
00160     char    *getText();                 // Retrieves the text of a control, or name of a dialog
00161     int     getHotkey();                // Retrieves the hotkey for the button
00163     BW::bitmap  *getSourceBuffer();   // Retrieves a pointer to a bitmap structure for reading or writing to the source buffer
00165     bool        enable();     // Enables the dialog or control
00166     bool        disable();    // Disables the dialog or control
00167     bool        isDisabled(); // Returns true if the dialog or control is disabled
00168     bool        show();       // Shows the dialog or control
00169     bool        hide();       // Hides the dialog or control
00170     bool        isVisible();  // Returns true if the dialog or control is visible
00172     u16 width();
00173     u16 height();
00175     // event-specific functions
00176     bool doEvent(WORD wEvtNum, DWORD dwUser = 0, WORD wSelect = 0, WORD wVirtKey = 0); // Calls a dialog or control's interact function by generating event info using these parameters
00177     bool defaultInteract(BW::dlgEvent *pEvent); // Calls a dialog or control's default interact function using this event info
00178     bool activate();        // Activates a control or destroys a dialog
00179     bool update();          // Updates a control or dialog, refreshing it on the screen
00181     // dialog-specific functions
00182     bool        isDialog();               // Returns true if the control type is a dialog
00183     dialog      *child();                 // Retrieves the child control from the parent dialog
00184     BW::bitmap  *getDestBuffer();         // Retrieves a pointer to a bitmap structure for reading or writing to the dialog's destination buffer
00185     bool        addControl(dialog *ctrl); // Adds a control to this dialog
00186     bool        initialize();             // Performs the dialog's initialization and adds it to the list
00187     bool        isListed();               // Checks to see if this dialog is initialized/listed
00188     bool        applyDialogBackground();  // Applies the standard transparent dialog background (like game menu)
00189     bool        applyWindowBackground();  // Applies the custom window background for the window dialog
00190     bool        applyBlankBackground();   // Applies a completely invisible background
00192     // control-specific functions
00193     dialog  *parent();                      // Retrieves a control's parent dialog
00194     short   getIndex();                     // Retrieves the index of a control
00195     bool    clearFontFlags();               // Clears all font formatting flags
00197     // button-specific
00198     bool isButton();      // Returns true if the control type is a button
00200     // checkbox & option button
00201     bool isOption();      // Returns true if the control type is a checkbox or radio button
00202     bool isChecked();     // Returns true if the control (checkbox/radio) is selected
00204     // listbox & combobox
00205     bool  isList();               // Returns true if the control type is a listbox or combobox
00206     BYTE  getSelectedIndex();     // Returns the index of the selected element
00207     DWORD getSelectedValue();     // Returns the value of the selected element
00208     char  *getSelectedString();   // Returns the name of the selected element
00210     bool  setSelectedIndex(BYTE bIndex);              // Sets the selected index
00211     bool  setSelectedByValue(DWORD dwValue);          // Sets the selected index based on the given value
00212     bool  setSelectedByString(const char *pszString); // Sets the selected index based on its name
00214     bool  addListEntry(char *pszString, DWORD dwValue = 0, BYTE bFlags = 0);  // Adds an entry to a listbox or combobox
00215     bool  removeListEntry(BYTE bIndex = 0);   // Removes an entry from a listbox or combobox
00216     bool  clearList();                        // Removes all entries from a listbox or combobox
00217     BYTE  getListCount();                     // Retrieves the number of elements in a listbox or combobox
00219     // Data //
00220     dialog  *pNext;         // 0x00
00221     rect    rct;            // 0x04   // official name
00222     bitmap  srcBits;        // 0x0C   // official
00223     char    *pszText;       // 0x14   // official name
00224     LONG    lFlags;         // 0x18   // official name
00225     WORD    wUnk_0x1C;
00226     WORD    wUnk_0x1E;
00227     short   wIndex;         // 0x20   // official name
00228     WORD    wCtrlType;      // 0x22   // official name
00229     WORD    wGraphic;       // 0x24
00230     /*
00231       CHECKBOX
00232         0-2 Show/Hide minimap button
00233         5   Disabled bullet
00234         6   Standard bullet
00235         7   Active bullet
00236         10  Disabled checkbox
00237         11  Standard checkbox
00238         12  Active checkbox
00239         82  Disabled alliance
00240         83  Standard Alliance
00241         85  Disabled Skull
00242         86  Standard Skull (changes to bird when checked)
00243         87  Active Skull
00244         98  Grey bullet thingy
00245         129 Disabled Messaging
00246         130 Standard Messaging
00247         131 Active Messaging
00248         136 White box + white Xmark
00249         139 Disabled Vision
00250         140 Standard Vision
00251         141 Active Vision
00252         142 Weird glowy bullet 1
00253         143 Weird glowy bullet 2
00255       BUTTON
00256         100 Grey Left menu button
00257         103 Left menu button
00258         106 Highlighted Left menu button
00259         109 Grey Center menu button
00260         112 Center menu button
00261         115 Highlighted Center menu button
00262         118 Grey Right menu button
00263         121 Right menu button
00264         124 Highlighted Right menu button
00266     */
00267     LONG    lUser;          // 0x26   // official name
00268     bool (__fastcall *pfcnInteract)(dialog*,dlgEvent*);  // 0x2A
00269     // bool __fastcall pfcnInteract(dialog *dlg, dlgEvent *evt);
00270     void (__fastcall *pfcnUpdate)(dialog*,int,int,rect*);    // 0x2E
00271     // void __fastcall pfcnUpdate(dialog *dlg, int x, int y, rect *dest);
00272     union _u                 // 0x32   // official
00273     {
00274       struct _ctrl           // official
00275       {
00276         dialog  *pDlg;      // 0x32   // official
00277       } ctrl;
00279       struct _dlg            // official
00280       {
00281         DWORD   dwUnk_0x32;
00282         bitmap  dstBits;          // 0x36  // official 
00283         dialog  *pActiveElement;  // 0x3E
00284         dialog  *pFirstChild;     // 0x42  // official
00285         dialog  *pMouseElement;
00286         void    *pModalFcn;       // 0x4A   // official
00287       } dlg;
00289       struct _btn
00290       {
00291         dialog  *pDlg;          // 0x32   // official
00292         rect    responseRct;    // 0x36
00293         WORD    wHighlight;     // 0x3E
00294         WORD    wUnknown_0x40;    // padding?
00295         void    *pSmk;          // 0x42
00296         rect    textRct;        // 0x46
00297         WORD    wAlignment;    // 0x4E
00298       } btn;
00300       struct _optn
00301       {
00302         dialog  *pDlg;          // 0x32   // official
00303         BYTE    bEnabled;       // 0x36
00304       } optn;
00306       struct _edit
00307       {
00308         dialog  *pDlg;            // 0x32   // official
00309         BYTE    bColor;           // 0x36
00310         BYTE    bScrollPosition;  // 0x37
00311         BYTE    bLeftMargin;      // 0x38
00312         BYTE    bTopMargin;       // 0x39
00313         WORD    wUnk_0x3A;        // 0x3A
00314         WORD    wUnk_0x3C;
00315         BYTE    bCursorPos;       // 0x3E
00316       } edit;
00318       struct _scroll   // official
00319       {
00320         dialog  *pDlg;      // 0x32   // official
00321         void  *pfcnScrollerUpdate;  // 0x36
00322         WORD  nCurPos;    // 0x3A
00323         WORD  nMin;       // 0x3C   // official
00324         WORD  nMax;       // 0x3E   // official
00325         WORD  wUnk_0x40;    
00326         DWORD dwScrollFlags;    // 0x42
00327         BYTE  bSliderSkip;      // 0x46
00328         BYTE  bUpdateCounter;   // 0x47
00329         BYTE  bSliderGraphic;   // 0x48
00330         BYTE  bSliderSpacing;   // 0x49
00331         WORD  wUnk_0x4A;
00332         DWORD dwUnk_0x4C;
00333       } scroll;
00335       struct _list   // official
00336       {
00337         dialog  *pDlg;      // 0x32   // official
00338         dialog  *pScrlBar;    // 0x36
00339         char    **ppStrs;     // 0x3A   // official
00340         BYTE    *pbStrFlags;  // 0x3E   // official
00341           /*
00342             &0x0F specifies the colour of the entry (Standard colours unless noted)
00343               0x01  = Use previous (Uses the colour of the entry BEFORE the previous one)
00344               0x09 - 0x0D  = Use last (Uses the colour of the previous entry)
00345             &0xF0 specifies additional properties
00346               0x10  = Gives entry an option button
00347           */
00348         DWORD   *pdwData;         // 0x42   // official
00349         BYTE    bStrs;            // 0x46   // official
00350         BYTE    unknown_0x47;
00351         BYTE    bCurrStr;         // 0x48   // official
00352         BYTE    bSpacing;         // 0x49
00353         BYTE    bItemsPerPage;    // 0x4A
00354         BYTE    bUnknown_0x4B;
00355         BYTE    bDirection;       // 0x4C
00356         BYTE    bOffset;          // 0x4D
00357         BYTE    bSelectedIndex;   // 0x4E
00358         BYTE    bUnknown_0x4F;    // padding?
00359         WORD    wVerticalOffset;  // 0x4A
00360         void    *pDrawItemFcn;    // 0x4C
00361       } list;
00362     } u;
00363   };
00364 #pragma pack()
00365   dialog  *CreateDialogWindow(const char *pszText, WORD wLeft, WORD wTop, WORD wWidth, WORD wHeight); // Creates a custom window dialog
00366   dialog  *FindDialogGlobal(const char *pszName);   // Finds a dialog in Starcraft's global list of dialogs
00367   int     GetTextWidth(const char *pszString, BYTE bSize);  // Retrieves the width of the text string
00368   int     GetTextHeight(const char *pszString, BYTE bSize); // Retrieves the height of the text string
00369   bool    BlitText(const char *pszString, bitmap *dst, int x, int y, BYTE bSize); // Draws a string of text to a destination bitmap buffer
00370 };
00372 /*
00373 List entry: Format for lists (map list for example)
00374             pointed to by list.pdwData
00376   char  szListEntry[65];
00377   char  szName[32];
00378   char  szDescription[316];
00379   char  szHumanSlots[35];
00380   char  szComputerSlots[35];
00381   char  szPlayers[35];
00382   char  szDimensions[35];
00383   char  szTileset[35];
00384   DWORD dwUnk1;
00385   DWORD dwUnk2;
00386   DWORD dwUnk3;
00387   DWORD dwUnk4;
00388   DWORD dwUnk5;
00389   char  szFullPath[261];
00390   char  szFileName[261];
00391   WORD  wWidth;
00392   WORD  wHeight;
00393   WORD  wTileset; // or numPlayers? guess
00394   BYTE  bReserved; // players reserved? guess
00395   BYTE  bPlayers;
00396   BYTE  bComputers; // for UMS
00397   BYTE  bHumans; // guess
00398 */
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