Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #pragma once
00002 #include <BWAPI/EventType.h>
00003 #include <BWAPI/Player.h>
00004 #include <BWAPI/Unit.h>
00005 #include <BWAPI/Position.h>
00006 #include <string>
00008 namespace BWAPI
00009 {
00010   class Event
00011   {
00012     public:
00013       Event();
00014       ~Event();
00015       Event(const Event& other);
00016       Event& operator=(const Event& other);
00017       bool operator==(const Event& other) const;
00018       static Event MatchStart();
00019       static Event MatchEnd(bool isWinner);
00020       static Event MatchFrame();
00021       static Event MenuFrame();
00022       static Event SendText(const char* text = NULL);
00023       static Event ReceiveText(Player* player, const char* text = NULL);
00024       static Event PlayerLeft(Player* player);
00025       static Event PlayerDropped(Player* player);
00026       static Event NukeDetect(Position target);
00027       static Event UnitDiscover(Unit* unit);
00028       static Event UnitEvade(Unit* unit);
00029       static Event UnitShow(Unit* unit);
00030       static Event UnitHide(Unit* unit);
00031       static Event UnitCreate(Unit* unit);
00032       static Event UnitDestroy(Unit* unit);
00033       static Event UnitMorph(Unit* unit);
00034       static Event UnitRenegade(Unit* unit);
00035       static Event SaveGame(const char* gameName = NULL);
00036       static Event UnitComplete(Unit *unit);
00037       EventType::Enum getType() const;
00038       Position getPosition() const;
00039       const std::string& getText() const;
00040       Unit* getUnit() const;
00041       Player* getPlayer() const;
00042       bool isWinner() const;
00044       Event& setType(EventType::Enum type);
00045       Event& setPosition(Position position);
00046       Event& setText(const char* text);
00047       Event& setUnit(Unit* unit);
00048       Event& setPlayer(Player* player);
00049       Event& setWinner(bool isWinner);
00050       //static Event TriggerAction();
00051     private:
00052       EventType::Enum type;
00053       Position position;
00054       std::string* text;
00055       Unit* unit;
00056       Player* player;
00057       bool winner;
00058   };
00059 }
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