Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #pragma once
00003 #include <list>
00005 namespace Util
00006 {
00015   template <class Type>
00016   class RegionQuadTree
00017    {
00018      public :
00024        RegionQuadTree(unsigned int width = 1, unsigned int height = 1);
00026        ~RegionQuadTree(void);
00031        unsigned int getWidth(void) const;
00036        unsigned int getHeight(void) const;
00043        std::list<Type*>* getItems(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int level = 0);
00050        void addItem(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, Type *item);
00051        void clear(unsigned int x, unsigned int y);
00052      private :
00054        unsigned int width;
00056        unsigned int height;
00061        RectangleArray<std::list<Type*> >* data;
00063        unsigned int depth;
00064    };
00065   //---------------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTOR -----------------------------------------------
00066   template <class Type>
00067   RegionQuadTree<Type>::RegionQuadTree(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
00068   :width(width)
00069   ,height(height)
00070   ,depth(ceil(log2(max(width,height)))
00071   {
00072     this->data = new RectangleArray<std::list<Type*> >[depth];
00073     unsigned int localWidth = width;
00074     unsigned int localHeight = height;
00075     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->depth; ++i)
00076     {
00077       this->data[i].resize(localWidth, localHeight);
00078       localWidth = (localWidth >= 2) (localWidth+1)/2 : 1;
00079       localHeight = (localHeight >=2) (localHeight+1)/2 : 1;
00080     }
00081   }
00082   //----------------------------------------------- DESTRUCTOR -----------------------------------------------
00083   template <class Type>
00084   RectangleArray<Type>::~RectangleArray(void)
00085   {
00086     delete [] data;
00087   }
00088   //----------------------------------------------- GET WIDTH ------------------------------------------------
00089   template <class Type>
00090   unsigned int RectangleArray<Type>::getWidth(void) const
00091   {
00092     return this->width;
00093   }
00094   //----------------------------------------------- SET WIDTH ------------------------------------------------
00095   template <class Type>
00096   void RectangleArray<Type>::setWidth(unsigned int width)
00097   {
00098     this->width = width;
00099   }
00100   //----------------------------------------------- GET HEIGHT -----------------------------------------------
00101   template <class Type>
00102   unsigned int RectangleArray<Type>::getHeight(void) const
00103   {
00104     return this->height;
00105   }
00106   //------------------------------------------------ GET ITEM ------------------------------------------------
00107   template <class Type>
00108   std::list<Type*>* getItems(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int level = 0);
00109   {
00110     return this->data[level][x][y];
00111   }
00112   //------------------------------------------------ ADD ITEM ------------------------------------------------
00113   template <class Type>
00114   void RectangleArray<Type>::addItem(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, Type* item)
00115   {
00116     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->depth; ++i)
00117       this->data[i][x<<i][y<<i].push_bach(item);
00118   }
00119   //------------------------------------------------- CLEAR --------------------------------------------------
00120   template <class Type>
00121   void RectangleArray<Type>::clear(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
00122   {
00123     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->depth; ++i)
00124       this->data[i][x<<i][y<<i].clear();
00125   }  
00126   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00127 }
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