Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #pragma once
00002 #include <string>
00003 #include <set>
00004 #include "Type.h"
00007 namespace BWAPI
00008 {
00009   class UnitCommandType : public Type
00010   {
00011   public:
00012     UnitCommandType();
00013     UnitCommandType(int id);
00016     const std::string &getName() const;
00017     const char *c_str() const;
00018   };
00019   namespace UnitCommandTypes
00020   {
00023     UnitCommandType getUnitCommandType(std::string name);
00026     const std::set<UnitCommandType>& allUnitCommandTypes();
00027     void init();
00028     extern const UnitCommandType Attack_Move;
00029     extern const UnitCommandType Attack_Unit;
00030     extern const UnitCommandType Build;
00031     extern const UnitCommandType Build_Addon;
00032     extern const UnitCommandType Train;
00033     extern const UnitCommandType Morph;
00034     extern const UnitCommandType Research;
00035     extern const UnitCommandType Upgrade;
00036     extern const UnitCommandType Set_Rally_Position;
00037     extern const UnitCommandType Set_Rally_Unit;
00038     extern const UnitCommandType Move;
00039     extern const UnitCommandType Patrol;
00040     extern const UnitCommandType Hold_Position;
00041     extern const UnitCommandType Stop;
00042     extern const UnitCommandType Follow;
00043     extern const UnitCommandType Gather;
00044     extern const UnitCommandType Return_Cargo;
00045     extern const UnitCommandType Repair;
00046     extern const UnitCommandType Burrow;
00047     extern const UnitCommandType Unburrow;
00048     extern const UnitCommandType Cloak;
00049     extern const UnitCommandType Decloak;
00050     extern const UnitCommandType Siege;
00051     extern const UnitCommandType Unsiege;
00052     extern const UnitCommandType Lift;
00053     extern const UnitCommandType Land;
00054     extern const UnitCommandType Load;
00055     extern const UnitCommandType Unload;
00056     extern const UnitCommandType Unload_All;
00057     extern const UnitCommandType Unload_All_Position;
00058     extern const UnitCommandType Right_Click_Position;
00059     extern const UnitCommandType Right_Click_Unit;
00060     extern const UnitCommandType Halt_Construction;
00061     extern const UnitCommandType Cancel_Construction;
00062     extern const UnitCommandType Cancel_Addon;
00063     extern const UnitCommandType Cancel_Train;
00064     extern const UnitCommandType Cancel_Train_Slot;
00065     extern const UnitCommandType Cancel_Morph;
00066     extern const UnitCommandType Cancel_Research;
00067     extern const UnitCommandType Cancel_Upgrade;
00068     extern const UnitCommandType Use_Tech;
00069     extern const UnitCommandType Use_Tech_Position;
00070     extern const UnitCommandType Use_Tech_Unit;
00071     extern const UnitCommandType Place_COP;
00072     extern const UnitCommandType None;
00073     extern const UnitCommandType Unknown;
00074   }
00075 }
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