Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #pragma once
00003 namespace BW
00004 {
00006   namespace StatusFlags
00007   {
00008     enum Enum
00009     {
00010       Completed             = 0x00000001,
00011       GoundedBuilding       = 0x00000002, // a building that is on the ground
00012       InAir                 = 0x00000004,
00013       Disabled              = 0x00000008,  
00014       Burrowed              = 0x00000010,
00015       InBuilding            = 0x00000020,
00016       InTransport           = 0x00000040,
00017       UNKNOWN1              = 0x00000080,  
00018       RequiresDetection     = 0x00000100,
00019       Cloaked               = 0x00000200,
00020       DoodadStatesThing     = 0x00000400,  
00021       CloakingForFree       = 0x00000800,  
00022       CanNotReceiveOrders   = 0x00001000,
00023       NoBrkCodeStart        = 0x00002000,  
00024       UNKNOWN2              = 0x00004000,  
00025       CanNotAttack          = 0x00008000,  
00026       IsAUnit               = 0x00010000,  // canAttack? /**< @todo Unknown */
00027       IsABuilding           = 0x00020000,
00028       IgnoreTileCollision   = 0x00040000,
00029       UNKNOWN4              = 0x00080000,
00030       IsNormal              = 0x00100000,  
00031       NoCollide             = 0x00200000,
00032       UNKNOWN5              = 0x00400000,
00033       IsGathering           = 0x00800000,
00034       UNKNOWN6              = 0x01000000,
00035       UNKNOWN7              = 0x02000000, // Turret related
00036       Invincible            = 0x04000000,
00037       HoldingPosition       = 0x08000000, // Set if the unit is currently holding position
00038       SpeedUpgrade          = 0x10000000,
00039       CooldownUpgrade       = 0x20000000,
00040       IsHallucination       = 0x40000000,  
00041       IsSelfDestructing     = 0x80000000  // Set for when the unit is self-destructing (scarab, scourge, infested terran)
00042     };
00043   };
00044 };
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