First of all, let me start by saying that HTML stands for "Hyper-Text Markup Language". Now that may sound scary, but let's take a closer look. "Hyper-Text" is what the links are. Selecting one will take you to another page on the web. "Markup Language" means that marks are added to the hypertext to make it look more pleasing. As such, ANY plain text file should be displayable by any web browser. It may not look nice, but it can be viewed. This page is designed to be a simple guide to explain what the various tags (markup elements) do.

Note: This project, like most of the web, is currently under construction. It may not be as complete as you would like. Just check back later and be sure to reload the page. (Some browsers keep a local copy of the page in a cache. Reloading will update the cache.)

So what IS a tag? A tag is a simple instruction for the web browser. It is surrounded by "angle brackets", or in other words "<" and ">". Most tags come in pairs that apply to a selection of text. The entire web page is surrounded by "<HTML>" and "</HTML>". The slash indicates the end tag. Some tags are containers, and have attributes that can take on different values. The best example of this is the <IMG> tag.

List of Tags

HTML, /HTML  --contains a web document
head, /head --contains header information
title, /title --the title of the page (usually in the drag bar)
body, /body --contains the actual display data
--text, link, alink, vlink, bacground, bgcolor
Hn --headlines, n=1 to 6
p --paragraph break
p align="center, /p --center a paragraph
--don't use center, /center
hr --line across page
--align, noshade

Local Resources

Non-local HTML Aides

Make unvisited links bright, visited links dark