John C. Strikwerda
Professor, Computer Sciences

Department of Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1210 West Dayton Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1685 USA
telephone: (608) 262-1204
fax: (608) 262-9777
My curriculum vitae as postscript, pdf, or doc.


CS699  Summer 2005 Here are some files:

Here is my collection on computing eigenvalues as a pdf file and a ps file.

Matlab programs:  Here is the example out of the text book: Hello.m

Here is the matrix mapping figure: MatrixMap.m

Vanitha's Example:  and the component parts:

        GetLowRankApproximation.m,   getCosineSimilarity.mExample1.mmikeExample.m, myExample.m .

Courses that I have taught most recently are:

Research Interests:

My textbook

My Official CS Department Home Page with a statement of my research interests.