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The goal of this project is to provide low cost Internet connectivity and services to rural areas of developing and under-developed countries. In most rural communities of countries such as India and China, lack of infrastructure presents a significant barrier to the deployment of such connectivity and services. Our focus is to construct a low cost, yet resilient, self-managing wireless mesh network that provides high-bandwidth connectivity from an urban hub to neighboring villages using the popular WiFi technology.

Our first deployment is being established in Nimpith, 24 parganas, West Bengal to provide Internet services to villages around this hub.

The initial applications for the WiFi rural networking project include remote dissemination of agriculture and crab culture related information that is managed by scientists and technical personnel at the Vivekananda Institute of Technology.




This project is partially supported by a generous donation from Microsoft Corporation.

NGO partner
This work is being conducted in collaboration with our NGO partner, Vivekananda Institute of Biotechnology, Nimpith, 24 parganas, West Bengal.