Edit (Website Editor)

A quick-and-dirty website creation tool. Best suited for those who want to quickly edit the content of a website without the hassle of opening many files separately.
Note that is program comes with absolutely no guarantees. It may trash your website or worse, but if it does, you can always fix it and send me a patch.
- Python 2.6 (2.5 may work, I haven't tested)
- wxPython
- Source package: edit-0.1-src
Wii Cursors

Linux version of allewun's Wii Cursor theme.
The original Windows version can be found at: http://allewun.deviantart.com/art/Wii-Cursors-49355744
- Cursor theme: WiiCursors-0.3.1
- Source package: WiiCursors-0.3.1-src
A prototype, single-button game where players have a jet-pack and shoot blocks at each other.
- Python 2.5 or greater
- PyGame

Snowblaster (Game)

I made this game while in middle school (2001-2002). Sadly the original Game Maker file has been lost, but I was able to find an executable version for your enjoyment.
Credit for the sound effects goes to Bryce Doty, and I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to my brother, Jon, for game-play testing.