To modify an existing code base.
To learn how to create and synchronize cooperating threads in Unix.
To gain exposure to how a basic web server is structured.
To gain experience performing measurement experiments.
Web browsers and web servers interact using a text-based protocol
called HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). A web browser opens an
Internet connection to a web server and requests some content with
HTTP. The web server responds with the requested content and closes
the connection. The browser reads the content and displays it on the
Each piece of content on the server is associated with a file. If a
client requests a specific disk file, then this is referred to as
static content. If a client requests that a executable file be run and
its output returned, then this is dynamic content. Each file has a
unique name known as a URL (Universal Resource Locator). For example,
the URL
identifies an HTML file called "/index.html" on Internet host
"" that is managed by a web server listening on port
80. The port number is optional and defaults to the well-known HTTP
port of 80. URLs for executable files can include program arguments
after the file name. A '?' character separates the file name from the
arguments and each argument is separated by a '&' character. This
string of arguments will be passed to a CGI program as part of its
"QUERY_STRING" environment variable.
An HTTP request (from the web browser to the server) consists of a
request line, followed by zero or more request headers, and finally an
empty text line. A request line has the form: [method] [uri]
The method is usually GET (but may be other things, such as
POST, OPTIONS, or PUT). The URI is the file name and any
optional arguments (for dynamic content). Finally, the version
indicates the version of the HTTP protocol that the web client
is using (e.g., HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1).
An HTTP response (from the server to the browser) is similar; it
consists of a response line, zero or more response headers, an empty
text line, and finally the interesting part, the response body. A
response line has the form [version] [status] [message].
The status is a three-digit positive integer that indicates
the state of the request; some common states are 200 for "OK", 403 for
"Forbidden", and 404 for "Not found". Two important lines in the
header are "Content-Type", which tells the client the MIME type of the
content in the response body (e.g., html or gif) and "Content-Length",
which indicates its size in bytes.
If you would like to see the HTTP protocol in action, you can connect
to any web server using telnet.
For example, run telnet 80
and then type (note that there is an empty line at the end):
GET / HTTP/1.1
You will then see the HTML text for that web page!
Again, you don't need to know this information about HTTP unless you
want to understand the details of the code we have given you. You
will not need to modify any of the procedures in the web server that
deal with the HTTP protocol or network connections.
When you run this basic web server, you need to specify the port
number that it will listen on; you should specify port numbers that
are greater than about 2000 to avoid active ports. When you then
connect your web browser to this server, make sure that you specify
this same port. For example, assume that you are running on royal21.cs
and use port number 2003; copy your favorite html file to the
directory that you start the web server from. Then, to view this file
from a web browser (running on the same or a different machine), use
the url:
The web server that we are providing you is only about 200 lines of C
code, plus some helper functions. To keep the code short and very
understandable, we are providing you with the absolute minimum for a
web server. For example, the web server does not handle any HTTP
requests other than GET, understands only a few content types, and
supports only the QUERY_STRING environment variable for CGI
programs. This web server is also not very robust; for example, if a
web client closes its connection to the server (e.g., if the user
presses the "stop") it may crash. We do not expect you to fix these
The helper functions are simply wrappers for system calls that check
the error codes of those system codes and immediately terminate if an
error occurs. One should always check
error codes!
However, many programmer don't like to do it because they believe that
it makes their code less readable. The solution is to use these
wrapper functions. Note the common convention that we use of naming
the wrapper function the same as the underlying system call, except
capitalizing the first letter, and keeping the arguments exactly the
same. We expect that you will write wrapper functions for the new
system routines that you call.
The simplest approach to building a multi-threaded server is to spawn
a new thread for every new http request. The OS will then schedule
these threads according to its own policy. The advantage of creating
these threads is that now short requests will not need to wait for a
long request to complete; further, when one thread is blocked (i.e.,
waiting for disk I/O to finish) the other threads can continue to
handle other requests. However, the drawback of the
one-thread-per-request approach is that the web server pays the
overhead of creating a new thread on every request.
Therefore, the generally preferred approach for a multi-threaded
server is to create a fixed-size pool of worker threads
when the web server is first started. With the pool-of-threads
approach, each thread is blocked until there is an http request for it
to handle. Therefore, if there are more worker threads than active
requests, then some of the threads will be blocked, waiting for new
http requests to arrive; if there are more requests than worker
threads, then those requests will need to be buffered until there is a
ready thread.
In your implementation, you must have a master thread that begins by
creating a pool of worker threads, the number of which is specified on
the command line. Your master thread is then responsible for accepting
new http connections over the network and placing the descriptor for
this connection into a fixed-size buffer; in your basic
implementation, the master thread should not read from this
connection. The number of elements in the buffer is also specified on
the command line. Note that the existing web server has a single
thread that accepts a connection and then immediately handles the
connection; in your web server, this thread should place the
connection descriptor into a fixed-size buffer and return to accepting
more connections. You should investigate how to create and manage
posix threads with pthread_create
Each worker thread is able to handle both static and dynamic
requests. A worker thread wakes when there is an http request in the
queue; when there are multiple http requests available, which request
is handled depends upon the scheduling policy, described below. Once
the worker thread wakes, it performs the read on the network
descriptor, obtains the specified content (by either reading the
static file or executing the CGI process), and then returns the
content to the client by writing to the descriptor. The worker thread
then waits for another http request.
Note that the master thread and the worker threads are in a
producer-consumer relationship and require that their accesses to the
shared buffer be synchronized. Specifically, the master thread must
block and wait if the buffer is full; a worker thread must wait if the
buffer is empty. In this project, you are required to use
condition variables.
If your implementation performs any busy-waiting (or spin-waiting) instead, you will be heavily penalized.
Side note: Do not be confused by the fact that the basic web server
we provide forks a new process for each CGI process that it
runs. Although, in a very limited sense, the web server does use
multiple processes, it never handles more than a single request at a
time; the parent process in the web server explicitly waits for the
child CGI process to complete before continuing and accepting more
http requests.
When making your server multi-threaded, you should not modify this section of the code.
For each request, you will record the following times or durations at
the granularity of milliseconds. You may find gettimeofday() useful
for gathering these statistics.
Stat-req-arrival: The arrival time, as first seen by the master thread
Stat-req-dispatch: The dispatch interval (the duration between the arrival time and when the request was picked up by worker thread)
Stat-req-read: The read interval (the duration spent reading static content)
Stat-req-complete: The completion interval (the duration between the arrival time and when the worker thread begins writing the response on the socket)
Stat-req-age: The number of requests that were given priority over this request (that is, the number of requests that were dispatched after this request arrived, but before this request was dispatched).
For dynamic requests (that is, CGI scripts), you do not need to return
the read or completion interval.
You should also keep the following statistics for each thread:
Stat-thread-id: The id of the responding thread (numbered 0 to number of threads-1)
Stat-thread-count: The total number of http requests this thread has handled
Stat-thread-static: The total number of static requests this thread has handled
Stat-thread-dynamic: The total number of dynamic requests this thread has handled
Thus, for a request handled by thread number i, your web server will
return the statistics for that request and the statistics for thread
number i.
server [portnum] [threads] [buffers] [schedalg]
The command line arguments to your web server are to be interpreted as
portnum: the port number that the web server should listen on; the basic web server already handles this argument.For example, if you run your program as
threads: the number of worker threads that should be created within the web server. Must be a positive integer.
buffers: the number of request connections that can be accepted at one time. Must be a positive integer. Note that it is not an error for more or less threads to be created than buffers.
schedalg: the scheduling algorithm to be performed. Must be one of "block", "dt", "dh", or "random".
server 5003 8 16 dt
then your web server will listen to port 5003, create 8 worker threads
for handling http requests, allocate 16 buffers for connections that
are currently in progress (or waiting), and use drop tail scheduling for
handling overload.
server.c: Contains main() for the basic web server.
request.c: Performs most of the work for handling requests in the basic web server. All procedures in this file begin with the string, "request".
cs537.c: Contains wrapper functions for the system calls invoked by the basic web server and client. The convention is to capitalize the first letter of each routine. Feel free to add to this file as you use new libraries or system calls. You will also find a corresponding header (.h) file that should be included by all of your C files that use the routines defined here.
client.c: Contains main() and the support routines for the very simple web client. To test your server, you may want to change this code so that it can send simultaneous requests to your server. At a minimum, you will want to run multiple copies of this client.
output.c: Code for a CGI program that is almost identical to the output program you used for testing your shell (basically, it repeatedly sleeps for a random amount of time). You may find that having a CGI program that takes awhile to complete is useful for testing your server. The documentation for how to use this program is in the source file.
We also provide you with a sample Makefile that creates server,
client, and output.cgi. You can type "make" to create all of these
programs. You can type "make clean" to remove the object files and the
executables. You can type "make server" to create just the server
program, etc. As you create new files, you will need to add them to
the Makefile.
The best way to learn about the code is to compile it and run it. Run
the server we gave you with your preferred web browser. Run this
server with the client code we gave you. You can even have the client
code we gave you contact any other server (e.g., Make small changes to the server code (e.g., have it
print out more debugging information) to see if you understand how it
We have provided a few comments, marked with "CS537", to point you to
where we expect you will make changes for this project.
As a third step, we recommend making the server
multi-threaded. Finally, add in the different scheduling algorithms,
beginning with the easiest (FIFO).
We anticipate that you will find the following routines useful for
creating and synchronizing threads: pthread_create,
pthread_detach, pthread_mutex_init, pthread_mutex_lock,
pthread_mutex_unlock, pthread_cond_init, pthread_cond_wait,
To find information on these library routines, being with the manual
pages (using the Unix command man), and read the tutorials below.
You may find the following tutorials useful as well.
Linux Tutorial for Posix threads
POSIX threads programming
You should copy all of your server source files (*.c and *.h) and a
Makefile to your P2 handin directory. Do not submit any .o files. You
do not need to copy any files for creating clients or CGI
programs. After the deadline for this project, you will be prevented
from making any changes in these directory. Remember: No late projects
will be accepted!
Include a file titled README that lists your group members.