CS/ECE/ISyE 524: Introduction to Optimization
Fall 2018
Office: |
4379 CS |
Email: |
swright at cs.wisc |
Office Hours: |
3-4 Tuesday, 3-4 Friday |
Teaching Assistant: Emad Sadeghi
Office: |
3310 CS |
Email: |
ssadeghi at wisc |
Office Hours: |
11:30-12:30 Thursday, 1-2 Friday |
Teaching Assistant: Jeremy McMahan
Office: |
5364 CS |
Email: |
jmcmahan at wisc |
Office Hours: |
11-12 Tuesday, 10-11 Thursday |
Course Information
We will use the Canvas Site for most communication, course materials, grade sheets, etc.
Notes on Assignments
- Homework assignments are by 11pmn on the due date. They can be turned in up to two days late at a penalty of -25% per day.
- Exceptions will be made to the rules above in order to accommodate special circumstances. This includes family or medical emergencies, religious observances, and documented disabilities. If you have a special circumstance and foresee a conflict, please email the instructor as soon as possible to make alternative arrangements.
- Assignments must be turned in electronically (as PDF or images) via Canvas.
- Problems requiring code must be solved using an IJulia notebook.
You must turn in a PDF version of your notebook.
Do not turn in raw code such as an
.ipynb or .jl file.
The easiest way to turn a notebook into PDF is to use your browser's "print to PDF" function.
Be sure to compile your file (so we can see the outputs) before you turn it in.
- For problems not requiring code, you may write up solutions by hand or electronically (e.g. using Word, LaTeX, or an IJulia notebook). Either way, you must turn in PDF file electronically.
- Start each problem on a new page if possible. At the very least, be sure that each new problem is clearly indicated (use a large heading in Markdown to indicate each new problem, for example). If a problem has multiple parts, it's OK to answer them on a single page.
- Start early. You typically have two weeks to complete assignments,
so you can expect them to take longer than standard one-week problem sets.
They are also worth a significant portion of your final grade.
You have plenty of opportunities to get help during office hours or via Canvas, so the earlier you get started, the better!
- Explain your work. This means write in words how you solved the problem, use intuitive variable names, and comment any code you turn in.
It is unacceptable to simply turn in undocumented code.
Even if your code produces the correct result, undocumented code and ugly code will lose points.
- You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with classmates and even work in groups. However, the work you turn in must be your own. If you use any external sources (e.g. the internet) you must cite your sources!
- Homework Assignments: Approximately Weekly, 8-10 total. 45% of Total Points.
- Midterm, Monday 10/29, 7:15pm-9:15pm, 25% of Total Points. Room: Van Vleck B130.
- Class Project, Details TBA. 30% of Total Points.