Aerial Photography

The following pictures were taken June 2000 in Madison, Wisconsin. This is the polo field where the Madison sailplane group meets.

This is during take off, I'm still going up at this point.

Flying north. I'm the leftmost dot on the field.

Flying west. The field in the background is the sod farm we fly from when not flying from the polo field.

The view back towards Madison. The vertical line on the left is not the hi-start -- it's the community TV tower.

Turning harder, getting closer to the ground.

A group picture. What, don't you recognize me? I'm the dot off the corner of the trailing edge of the wing.

Another group pic.

One last picture after landing. With the extra weight and unwelcome flying characteristics this camera adds, landing in a foot of grass is a fine place to end up.

This page last modified: Sun Aug 20 21:24:59 CDT 2000 by timc!