Thu Dec 6 15:17:21 CST 2007 KerberosV plugin for pGina v2.0 Prerequisites: Windows Vista pGina 2.0 MIT Kerberos for Windows, tested with version KfW 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 I have not tested this plugin with pGina 1.x or on Windows XP. I don't know why it would *not* work, but that's my target development and testing environment. Operation: This plugin checks a user's password against a kerberos KDC to see if it's valid. If so, it lets the user in. It relies upon KfW to actually get the K5 tickets for the user. Installation: * install MIT Kerberos for Windows * install pGina 2.0 * install the k5_pgina_plugin.msi You must populate the following registry key with your desired kerberos service/realm in order for this to work: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\pGina\k5plugin] "DefaultService"="krbtgt/EXAMPLE.DOMAIN.EDU" Use the pgina plugin tester to determine if it does what you expect. Debugging output is available in c:\windows\temp\k5pgina-nnnn. This plugin only does authentication, not authorization. You'll likely need to chain another plugin in pGina for that. Compiling: You'll need Visual Studio 2005, the Kerberos for Windows SDK and the Vista SDK installed. Questions/comments to