Section#6: Embeddings and simulations of INs I+II
(CS838: Topics in parallel computing, CS1221, Tue+Thu, Feb 9+11, 1999, 8:00-9:15 a.m.)

The contents

  1. The embedding problem
  2. Embeddings into the hypercube
  3. Embeddings into meshes and tori
  4. Embedding linear arrays/cycles into any network
  5. Embeddings into hypercubic topologies
  6. Embeddings into shuffle-based topologies
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The embedding problem

The static embedding problem:

The dynamic embedding problem:

Basic definitions and notions

of source graph G (with vertices V(G) and edges E(G) into host network H (with nodes V(H) and links E(H)) is a pair of mappings (\varphi,\psi) such that
\varphi:V(G)-> V(H)
\psi:E(G)-> P(H)
where P(H) is the set of all paths of network H. The quality of an embedding is measured by several parameters.

the maximum number of source vertices mapped to one host node.
\load(\varphi,\psi)=maxvin  V(H)|{uin  V(G);\varphi(u)=v}|.
The load corresponds to the maximum number of processes which a host processor must execute concurrently. It is desirable to minimize the load.

average load:
defined similarly. An optimal average load does not necessarily mean optimal efficiency. If there is a significant gap between the maximum and average load, the load is unbalanced and lightly loaded nodes must wait for heavily loaded ones.

uniform load:
the load of all host nodes is the same up to one. This matters much more, it implies an optimal average and maximum load. The value of a uniform load is reciprocal to the value of expansion.

the ratio of the host network size (= # of processing nodes) and the source graph size (= # of processes)
The optimum value is 1, but this is not always achievable, since some networks are only partially extendable. The higher the expansion is, the more processing nodes idle during parallel computation. If \vexp(\varphi,\psi) < 1, then \load(\varphi,\psi) > 1.

In general, embedding stretches source edges to paths in the host network. The dilation of an embedding is the maximum length of such paths taken over all source edges.
\dil(\varphi,\psi)=maxein  E(G){len(\psi(e))}.
If the images of edges are always shortest paths (need not be), then the dilation is the maximum distance in the host network between images of adjacent source vertices. The dilation corresponds to the number of intermediate host routers along a route of a message sent between neighboring source processes. In contrast to the load, large maximum dilation does not necessarily mean that the embedding will not provide a good performance of the mapped algorithm, since what really matters is

average dilation:
The impact of both maximum and average dilation on the communication performance depends on whether the routing and switching is distance sensitive or distance insensitive. Distance sensitive routing requires small dilation due to latency. But distance insensitive routing can also profit from small dilation: It consumes less links in the host network and therefore decreases the potential communication contention or even deadlocks. This motivates another important parameter.

link congestion:
the maximum number of images of source edges passing through a host edge.
\ecng(\varphi,\psi)=maxe2in  E(H)|{e1in  E(G);e2\subseteq\psi(e1)}|.
It represents the maximum number of interprocess communication source channels mapped on one physical host link. Link congestion should be low to minimize link or router buffers contention.

node congestion:
the maximum number of images of source edges passing through a host node.
\vcng(\varphi,\psi)=maxu2in  V(H)|{e1in  E(G);u2in\ psi(e1)}|.
It represents the maximum number of interprocess channels passing through one host router and its impact depends very much on the disjointedness of these paths. If the router can perform as a switch allowing multiple link-disjoint paths concurrently, then even high node congestion does not necessarily mean high latency.

average node or link congestion:
average congestion per host node/link. Again, this parameter is usually more important than the maximum values.

quasiisometric networks
G and H: G can be embedded into H and vice versa with O(1) embedding measures.

H emulates G with slowdown h if one step of computation on G can be simulated in O(h) steps on H.

computationally equivalent networks
G and H: G can emulate H with constant slowdown and vice versa.


Lower bounds

Some simple lower bounds on embedding measures follow just from graph theoretical properties of topologies.


  1. The lower bound on the load is max(1,1/\vexp).
  2. If |V(G)|=|V(H)| and \load=1, then the lower bound on the dilation is diam(H)/diam(G).
  3. If the average dilation is k, then the lower bound on the link congestion is k|E(G)|/|E(H)|.
  1. Trivially follows from what we have said about uniform load.
  2. This is so called diameter argument. Since both graphs are of the same size, every host node is loaded. Consider two vertices u,vin V(G) mapped to host nodes in distance diam(H) faces. Any shortest path P(u,v) in G is stretched to length at least diam(H) in H. The dilation will be minimal if all the edges in P(u,v) will be dilated equally.
  3. The argument follows just from counting edges of the image of G in H and from assumption of an ideal uniform distribution of source paths over the host network.
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Embeddings into the hypercube

The nice property of the hypercube is that it can simulate very efficiently almost every known IN topology. This was the main reason why the hypercube multiprocessors dominated the world of commercial massively parallel computers several years ago. Due to the symmetry of the hypercube, an embedding of graph G into Qn can be described by a vertex or edge labeling of G.

vertex labeling:
a labeling of the vertices of G with n-bit binary addresses. If the labels of two adjacent vertices of G differ in more than one bit, the edge joining them is dilated in Qn.

edge labeling:
a labeling of the edges of G with dimension numbers 0,1,..,n-1.

optimal hypercube:
If 1<=\vexp < 2, then Qn is the optimal hypercube for embedding G with unit load.

Embeddings of paths and cycles


Let u,vin V(Qn) with Hamming distance \varrho(u,v). Let \delta(u,v) be the set of dimensions in which u and v differ. Let P(u,v) be a path of length m in Qn. The edge labeling of P(u,v) is described by an n-tuple P=[p0,p1,..,pn-1] where pj is the number of edges of P(u,v) in dimension j. So, \sumj=0n-1pj=m. Then:

Gray sequence:
the vertex labeling of a path in Qn

n-bit Gray code:
the vertex labeling of a hamiltonian path/cycle of Qn
binary reflected Gray code (BRGC):
the standard Gray code defined recursively (see Figure). Let Gn denote the n-bit BRGC. Then

CAPTION: Recursive construction of the binary reflected Gray code.

  • Algebraically, Gn can be computed as follows:


    Let b=bn-1... b0 be a n-bit binary number. Then its encoding in Gn is Gn(b)=gn-1... g0, where
    • gn-1=bn-1,
    • gi=bi+1\XOR bi for i=n-2,...,0.
  • Embeddings of trees

    Static trees

    Despite of some structural differences between hypercubes (hypercubes are rich of cycles and regular) and trees (acyclic and nonregular), both these topologies are bipartite and hierarchically recursive and this allows efficient tree embeddings into optimal hypercubes in many cases. Let us review some facts and results:

    Dynamic trees

    The hypercube can efficiently simulate even dynamically growing trees (for example branch-and-bound algorithms). The embedding algorithm has to make decisions based on some local partial knowledge of the tree. A process which spawns its ancestors should use some heuristics to distribute its children onto processors so that the processor load is likely to be balanced across the hypercube. The following algorithm was shown to provide satisfactory results for dynamic binary trees. It uses randomization based on flipping a coin. This simple approach gives surprisingly good results. For an M-vertex binary tree and an N-node hypercube, it achieves \dil=1 and \load=O(M/N+log N) with high probability.

    Simulation of binary Divide&Conquer computation on a hypercube

    Many problems lead to the following binary parallel n-level Divide&Conquer (D&C) computation: We may use a standard embedding of CBTn in Qn+1 with \load=1 (see Subsection \ref{StaticTreestoQ}) to simulate such a computation on Qn+1, but it would be inefficient, since one half of hypercube nodes, simulating the internal vertices of CBTn, would idle most of the time. However, there is a trivial method how to simulate such a computation optimally on Qn.

    CAPTION: Simulation of 3-level D&C computation on Q3.

    This corresponds to an embedding of CBTn into Qn as shown on Figure(a). Left children are mapped onto the same hypercube node as their parents. The embedded tree forms so called binomial spanning tree of the hypercube (see Figure(b)), which we will see again in Section 10 of this course.

    Embeddings of meshes-of-trees

    Even though it is known that MTn is even a subgraph of Q2n+2 (which is the optimal hypercube), we will only explain here an easy way how to embed MTn into Q2n+2 using the results above. We just use these three facts: This gives immediately an embedding of MTn into Q2n+2 with \dil=2 and \load=\ecng=1:

    CAPTION: MT2 embedded in Q6 with \load=\ecng=1 and \dil=2.

    Embeddings of meshes

    Again, the basic approach takes advantage of the fact that the hypercube and the meshes are defined recursively as cartesian products of lower-dimensional hypercubes and meshes, respectively.

    Embeddings of hypercubic networks

    Embeddings of other graphs

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    Embeddings into meshes and tori

    2-D or 3-D meshes/tori are currently the most commonly used IN topologies, therefore methods how to embed other networks into them or how to simulate them on them are of high practical interest.


    Given a graph G, integers k and n, the problem to embed G into an n-dimensional mesh with \dil<= k is NP-complete\comment{\cite{bhattcosmakis}}. This holds even for k=1, n=2, and G = binary tree.
    On the other hand, problems of embeddings into 2-D meshes are very close to problems of designing VLSI layouts and many solutions/approaches are known\comment{\cite{ullman}}.

    Embeddings among meshes and tori


    Meshes and tori are computationally equivalent, since they are quasiisometric.
    Given integers z1,...,zn, let M=M(z1,...,zn) and T=T(z1,...,zn).
    1. M is a subgraph of T so that T can simulate M with no slowdown.
    2. On the other hand, T can be embedded into M with \load=1 and \dil=\ecng=2.

    CAPTION: Optimal embedding of tori into meshes with \load=1 and \dil=\ecng=2.
    If the mesh and torus do not have the same dimensionality or side lengths, we first embed tori into tori or meshes into meshes and then apply this solution.

    Embeddings of tori into tori

    In case of general higher-dimensional rectangular and cube tori, the problem of optimal embeddings is hard and open. Optimal solutions are known only for special low-dimensional cases. We will mention one such result.


    Let z1\not=z2. Then 2-D torus T(z1,z2) can be embedded into cycle T(z1z2) with \load=1 and with optimal \dil=\ecng=min(z1,z2).
    The embedding is simple and straightforward: it is based on one-to-one vertex mapping of T(z1,z2) which is either row-major if z1>= z2 or column-major otherwise. See Figure for an example.

    CAPTION: Optimal embedding of 2-D torus T(3,4) into cycle T(12) with \dil=3=min(3,4) based on column-major vertex mapping. Horizontal edges of T(3,4) have \dil=3 and vertical wrap-around edges have \dil=2.

    Embeddings of meshes into meshes

    Here we will explain some methods how meshes can simulate each other if they are of the same size but differ in the number of dimensions and/or the lengths of sides. It is again a difficult problem in general, we will discuss only several special cases for which solutions are known. A mesh with nonequal side lengths is called rectangular here. The notation for cube meshes will indicate the dimensionality with a subscript at M. For example, Md(w,...,w) denotes a d-dimensional cube mesh.

    Embeddings of cube meshes into rectangular meshes


    Let n>= 2 and let z1>= ...>= zn>= 2 be different integers. Let N=\Pii=1n zi, w=N1/ n, R=M(z1,...,zn), and S=Mn(w,...,w). Without loss of generality, assume that w is integer. Then
    R can simulate S with slowdown {maxi zi/ w}.
    Inductive by showing that there exists an embedding of S into R with \dil=\ecng=O((maxi zi)/w) and constant load.
    (i) Induction basis:
    Let n=2 and z1 > z2. Then S=M(w,w) can be embedded into R=M(z1,z2) with \dil=[ z1/w], \load=2, and \ecng=O([ z1/w]). We show here one possible solution, but there are other ones with similar properties. Columns of S are placed successively into R left-to-right along the first dimension besides each other without overlapping. Each of them starts in the first row of R and snakes vertically through R rightward. See Figure. Since some nodes of R are wasted, the last column of R is reached before all columns of S are embedded, but in that case the snaking simply bounces mirror-like back. Some nodes of R will have \load=2 and some \load=0. The width of one snake in R is [ w/z2]=[ z1/w]=[max(z1,z2)/w] and this is the dilation of horizontal edges of S and link congestion of horizontal links in R is 1+z1/w.

    CAPTION: Embedding of a 2-D square mesh into a 2-D rectangular mesh.

    (ii) Auxiliary lemma:


    M(z1,...,zn-2,zn-1zn) is a subgraph of M(z1,...,zn-1,zn).
    We use again a simple snake-like embedding. M(zn-1zn) can be snaked through M(zn-1, zn) with unit measures as shown on Figure and the general case follows from the cartesian-product property.

    CAPTION: Snaking M(zn-1zn) through 2-dimensional M(zn-1,zn).

    (iii) Induction step:
    Decompose R into w submeshes Ri=M([ z1/w],z2,...,zn), i=1,...,w, and S into w submeshes Si=Mn(1,w,...,w). The embedding of S into R is composed of one-to-one embeddings of Si into Ri along the direction of z1 in R (see Figure). Since the width of Ri along the first dimension is [ z1/w], the edges in the first dimension of S have dilation [ z1/w]. Individual embeddings of Si into Ri for i=1,...,w are by induction. Since each Si is isomorphic to an (n-1)-dimensional cube mesh Mn-1(w,...,w), we can embed it by induction into (n-1)-dimensional mesh M([ z1zn/w],z2,...,zn-1) with dilation
    [{max([ z1zn/w],z2)/ w}]<=[ z1/w],
    \ecng=O(z1/w), and \load=2. By Lemma, (n-1)-dimensional mesh M([ z1 zn/w], z2, ...,zn-1) is a subgraph of n-dimensional mesh Ri=M([ z1/w],z2,...,zn). It follows that each Si can be embedded into Ri with \dil=[ z1/w], \ecng=O(z1/w), and \load=2.

    CAPTION: Recursive embedding of n-dimensional S into R.


    S can be simulated by (n-k)-dimensional mesh Mn-k(N1 / n-k,...,N1 / n-k) with slowdown Nk / n(n-k).
    By Theorem, S can be embedded into R=Mn(N1 / n-k,...,N1 / n-k,1,...,1) with dilation
    {N1 / n-k/ N1 / n}=Nk / n(n-k)
    and R is isomorphic to (n-k)-dimensional Mn-k(N1 / n-k,...,N1 / n-k).

    Embeddings of rectangular meshes into cube meshes


    Let R and S be meshes defined as in Theorem. Then
    R can be embedded into S with constant dilation.

    (i) Induction basis:
    Let n=2. Then R=M(z1,z2) can be embedded into S=M(w,w) with \dil=1 and \load=\ecng=2 by a trivial snaking combined with perpendicular overlap bending at vertical boundaries of S as shown on Figure. Note that the nodes of S close to its vertical boundaries have \load=0 or \load=2.

    CAPTION: Embedding of M(z1,z2) into M(w,w) with \dil=1.

    (ii) Induction step:
    Let R'=M(z2,...,zn), S'=Mn-1(w,...,w), r=|V(R')|, and s=|V(S')|. Since z1 > w, it follows that r={N / z1} < s={N / w}. Thus {s / r}=z1/w > 1. By definition, R=M(z1)× R' and S=M(w)× S'. We split (n-1)-dimensional mesh S' into [{s / r}] cube submeshes Si'=Mn-1(r1 / n-1,...,r1 / n-1) (Figure(c)). R can be split along the first dimension into z1 (n-1)-dimensional submeshes Ri, isomorphic with R', i.e., of size r each (Figure(a)).

    CAPTION: Embedding of n-dimensional rectangular mesh into d-dimensional cube mesh with \dil=1.
    By induction, R1 can be embedded into S1' with unit dilation. The rest of mesh R is reshaped in the same way so that R can be viewed as a mesh Mn(z1,r1 / n-1,...,r1 / n-1) (Figure(b)). This folded mesh is then snaked through S in the way depicted in Figure(c).

    Embeddings among 2-D rectangular meshes

    A practically important problem is embedding of one 2-D mesh into another one of approximately the same size with \load=1. There exist some partial solutions\comment{\cite{ellis}}. We will not describe the methods here due to the lack of space. They are usually based on small primitive tiles from which embeddings of larger meshes are constructed by composing, squeezing, and folding.


    Consider M(a,b) and M(a',b') such that a' < a<= b and b' is the minimum integer satisfying a'b'>= ab.
    1. This result is optimal, since the lower bounds on dilation and congestion are 2.
    2. If a/a'<= 2, then M(a,b) can be embedded into M(a',b') with \dil<=2.
    3. If a/a'<= 3, then M(a,b) can be embedded into M(a',b') with \dil<=3.

    CAPTION: Embedding of M(2,9) into M(3,6) with \dil=2 and \ecng=3.

    Simulation of parallel binary D&C computation on 2-D meshes


    CBT2m can be embedded into M(2m,2m) with bidirectional links so that
    The embedding is again nicely recursive. The basic idea follows from Figure. The induction base is in parts (a)-(c). Part (c) shows CBT4, which is embedded in M(22,22) using either pattern A or B. Note than in each pattern, one node is loaded with only one leaf and can therefore become a new root when building larger trees from these building blocks. Also there are some free arcs which can be used for joining subtrees to new roots. Part (d) illustrates the induction step.

    CAPTION: Simulation of D&C computation on a square mesh.

    Embeddings of linear arrays and cycles into high-dimensional meshes and tori

    Hamiltonian paths/cycles:
    We have seen in Section 5 that
    Recursive patterns:
    Cube meshes Mn(k,...,k), where k=2i for some integer i have hamiltonian paths/cycles with a nicely recursive structure. Let us demonstrate for 2-D mesh Mi=M(2i,2i) one solution which is suitable for example for mesh-of-trees or pyramidal meshes.
    Induction base:
    M1 is trivial (see Figure(a)).
    Induction step:
    1. split Mi into four quarters Mi-1,
    2. construct hamiltonian path recursively in each of them, so that the upper two patterns are rotated by 90 degrees as shown in Figure(b),
    3. join the terminal vertices of these paths as shown in the same figure.
    Peano curves:
    If large dilation is not an issue (for example in case of distance insensitive routing), meshes can be traversed in a fractal-like way. Very useful are so called Peano curves (see Figure(c)). They have dilation \dil=\Theta(\sqrt{N}), but their fractal structure does not require rotation, it needs just a translation.

    CAPTION: Recursive numbering schemes for square 2-D meshes.
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    Embedding linear arrays/cycles into any network

    Linear arrays and cycles as the most trivial topologies can be embedded with constant measures into any network, this is a classical result by Sekanina\comment{\cite{sekanina}}. \begin{lemma} An N-vertex cycle C can be embedded into any N-node network G with \load=1, \dil<= 3, and \ecng=2. \end{lemma} Proof
    Constructive Each node of TG will be loaded exactly once. The proof that \dil=3 follows from the recursive structure of any spanning tree.

    CAPTION: Embedding an N-vertex cycle into N-node network G with \dil=3 and \load=1.
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    Embeddings into hypercubic topologies


    Both types of butterflies and CCC are computationally equivalent.
    CCCn is a spanning subgraph of wBFn.
    The embedding is based on a one-to-one vertex mapping \varphi:V(CCCn)-> V(wBFn) defined as \varphi((i,x))=(i+n \parity(x),x), where \parity(x) returns 1 if x has odd parity, and 0 otherwise. Rotation of all odd-numbered cycles of CCCn by one position forward gets them into the same position as in wBFn.

    CAPTION: CCC3 (thick lines) spans wBF3.

    wBFn can be embedded into CCCn with \dil=\ecng=2.
    The argument is based on vertex symmetry of both topologies and idempotent vertex mapping of each elementary butterfly 2× 2 onto CCC paths consisting of 3 edges: cycle+hypercube+cycle (see Figure). So, CCCn can simulate wBFn with slowdown 2.

    CAPTION: The idea of embedding wBFn into CCCn with \dil=\ecng=2 and \load=1. Here, x'=\noni(x).

    oBFn can be embedded into wBFn with \load=2 and \dil=1.
    Just by merging terminal vertices of rows oBFn, we get cycles if wBFn. Hence wBFn can simulate oBFn with slowdown 2.
    wBFn can be embedded into oBFn with constant dilation.
    Proof omitted.
    There are other two important results related to hypercubic networks which we will mention here.


    We will not prove here the first statement. The second statement will be proven in Section 9 of this course. The class of normal hypercube algorithms comprises a large number of important algorithms, e.g., matrix computations, sorting, collective communication algorithms.


    A hypercube algorithm is said to be normal if only one dimension of hypercube edges is used at any step of the algorithm and if consecutive dimensions are used in consecutive steps.
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    Embeddings into shuffle-based topologies


    dB2,n and SEn are computationally equivalent.
    SEn is a spanning subgraph of dB2,n.
    The embedding is again based on one-to-one vertex mapping \varphi:V(SEn)-> V(dB2,n) such that \varphi(u)=\sigma-\parity(u)(u) where \parity is parity is as in Lemma and \sigma is the shuffle operation. Hence, we simply unshuffle all necklaces with vertices with odd parity. Figure shows the undirected case for n=3.

    CAPTION: Undirected SE3 is a spanning subgraph of undirected dB2,n.

    dB2,n can be embedded into SEn with \load=1 and \dil=2.
    the de Bruijn operation of left-shifting accumulates the effects of both shuffle and exchange operations and the argument follows just from using the idempotent vertex mapping.
    But there are other interesting structural properties.


    dB2,n is isomorphic to SEn+1 with contracted exchange arcs.
    If we splice every pair of vertices un... u10 and un... u11 in SEn+1 into vertex un... u1, we get dB2,n.


    Undirected SEn and dB2,n can simulate n-dimensional normal hypercube algorithms with almost no slowdown.
    Assume a normal hypercube algorithm using consecutively dimensions J=[j1,j2,...]. Two consecutive dimension numbers ji and ji+1 differ by 1 modulo n.
    SEn can simulate a t-step normal Qn algorithm in 2t-1 communication steps.
    The initial mapping of hypercube nodes onto undirected SEn is such that each node un-1... u0 is mapped to uj1-1... u0 un-1... uj1. Then the first step of the normal hypercube algorithm can be directly simulated, since the nodes who need communicate in Qn are linked by exchange edges in SEn. Assume j2=j1+1. Using the shuffle-edges, we first move every hypercube node un-1... u0 from uj1-1... u0un-1... uj1 to uj1... u0un-1... uj1+1=uj2-1... u0un-1... uj2. In other words, we shuffle all necklaces. Then we can again simulate the hypercube communication along dimension j2 in one step using the exchange arcs in SEn. (If j2=j1-1, we would unshuffle necklaces.) The simulation proceeds in this way for all subsequent steps. So one step of the hypercube algorithm is simulated by two steps of undirected SEn. If the overhead of the initial mapping is ignored, the total number of steps of the simulation is 2t-1.
    dB2,n can simulate a t-step normal Qn algorithm in t communication steps and 2t computational steps.
    It we contract exchange edges into vertices to get dB2,n-1 from SEn, the same vertex mapping enables the same simulation to be performed on undirected dB2,n-1 in t communication steps since the communication along the exchange edges is internal within de Bruijn nodes. Of course, one de Bruijn node simulates two hypercube nodes, so that the local processing is twice of that in the hypercube.
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