CS 302 Discussion 330 and 332 Home Page

In This Page: Announcements | Readings | Homework
TA: Nick Vavra
E-mail: vavra@cs.wisc.edu
Office: 1306 Comp Sci & Stat
Phone: 262-6601
Office Hours: M 11am-12pm and T 1-2pm
Discussion 330: 1:20pm Thursdays in 119 Noland Hall
330 Email Archive
Discussion 332: 12:05pm Fridays in 379 Noland Hall
332 Email Archive
  • The final is on Friday May 16th at 10:05am. We will be in 1240 CompSci.

  • Deb will be holding a review session during finals week. See her announcements section on the Lecture 2 page.

  • Extended office hours for April 7th and 8th: Monday 11am - 1pm and Tuesday 12pm - 2pm. That'd be a great time to ask review questions or to discuss your assignment with me.

  • The second midterm is scheduled for Tuesday, April 8th, 7:15 pm - 9:45 pm. We will meet in 1227 Engr Hall (same as last time). Be sure to bring your UW Id card and several #2 pencils.

  • This week (March 10th - 15th), discussion will meet in 1370 Comp Sci. You will have time to work on your assignment and I will be there to answer any questions.

  • The first midterm is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25th, 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm. We will meet in 1227 Engr. Hall. Be sure to bring your UW Id card and several number 2 pencils.

  • On Jan 30th (for 330) and 31st (for 332), discussion will meet in room 1370 of the computer science building. You will get your comp sci accounts and do lesson 2 at that time.

  • I'll stick info here from time to time, but nothing that won't be either announced in class or sent to the discussions' email lists.
  • Check the syllabus to see what the assigned readings are.
  • Lessons and their due dates can be found here
  • Assignments and their due dates can be found here
        Last Updated: May 7, 2003