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CIPART: Critical Infrastructure Protection Through Analysis of Reliability and Trustworthiness

Directed by Mary K. Vernon

Current Topics

Research Topics

If you are a graduate or undergraduate student interested in gaining some research/publishing experience in computer systems security and contributing to the CIPART project through an independent study project, possible topics that would greatly contribute to our work are:
  • Analyze attacker behavior in IDS and firewall logs.

  • Run new network audit experiments to analyze effectiveness of attack prevention.

  • Analyze CSL systems statistical data to identify potential new methods for intrusion detection

For further information, please contact vernon@cs.wisc.edu

If you are interested in joining the CIPART project as an RA, the background needed for graduate research on the project is: cs547/747 (performance modeling).

Research topics that are currently being addressed by project participants, and topics that are available to new RAs, are listed here.
