- Algorithms A and B are analyzed and are found to have worst-case
running times that are O(N log N) and O(N**2), respectively.
What is the time complexity (using the big-Oh notation) of a program
that first executes algorithm A and then executes algorithm B?
Explanation: T(n) <= c1 N log N + c2 N**2 <= c3 N**2
- Determine, for the typical algorithm that you use to perform
calculations by hand, the running time to: (a) add two N-digit numbers,
and (b) multiply two N-digit numbers.
a) O(n)
b) O(n**2)
- What is the result of the last operation in the following sequence
of operations:
insert(4), insert(8), insert(1), insert(6), remove(), remove()
when applied to
a stack: 1
a queue: 8
a priority queue: 4 (assuming smallest has highest priority)
- Write a recursive method, mult(m,n) that multiplies two positive
integers, m and n, using only repeated addition. That is, to multiply m*n,
your recursive method should add m, n times. Be sure to include the pre-
and postconditions for your method.
//precondition: m>0, n>0
//postcondition: returns m*n
public static int mult(int m, int n){
if (n=1)
return m;
return m + mult(m,n-1);
- Boris Bitdiddle decides he doesn't need to use a stack to check
for properly balanced parentheses. Instead, he decides to keep three
integers called parenCount, bracketCount, and braceCount. Each of these
counts is initially set to zero. When scanning an input expression,
if he encounters (, [, or {, he increments the respective
parenCount, bracketCount, or braceCount by one. If he
encounters ), ], or }, he decrements the respective
parenCount, bracketCount, or braceCount by one. At the end of the
input expression, if the three counts are zero, his program
informs the user that all types of parentheses are properly balanced.
Would you use Bitdiddles' program to check your input text?
Explain why or why not. If there are input strings for which Bitdiddle's
algorithm won't work, give examples of those input strings.
No. The program incorrectly reports that the parentheses are properly
balanced in the following string: { ( } ).
- Suppose you have a List ADT as implemented in the List.java
code you used on assignments 2 and 3. That is, assume the List is
implemented using a ListNode that has two fields, item and next.
Assume that item is of type
Comparable and that a toString method is defined in the class
that implements Comparable.
(a) Write a method, reversePrint(), that uses a Stack to print the items
in the list in reverse order.
Assume a Stack ADT is already implemented
and that the Stack ADT has methods isEmpty(), Push(item) and Pop(), which
respectively return a boolean, push and pop items of type Comparable.
You shouldn't need to write more than 10 new lines of code.
class List{
ListNode Head;
void reversePrint(){
Stack S = new Stack();
//solution inserted here:
ListNode tmp = head;
while(tmp != null){
tmp = tmp.next;
while (!S.isEmpty())
System.out.println(S.pop()); // assumes pop() returns the top object
(b) What is the time complexity of the above reversePrint method
(using the big-Oh notation)?